{/Passed ATP!
Sunday, September 27, 2009 ( 7:26 PM )
Well this passed very fast especially when its only 4 days =) The first 2 days was spent at the live range for some shoot which i miraculously passed! I'm so not used to using another weapon i'm issued that i had to go for every single re-shoot available. Well the odds are stacked against us anyway, though they say get marksman will get 200 bucks, in my entire coy for the past few years, there is only 1 guy who got marksmen using the weapon we are issued. Man i still miss the M16 rifle, could have done so much better with it... Did nothing literally the whole of thursday as i have to travel all the way to CMPB for x-ray ( yes again ) followed by follow up at the medical centre, then at night was the post AOH celebration.
Firday booked out at 10.30am woots, then was being dragged to play dota till about 4 plus by my army friends then went on to join my bro and his firends for basketball till 8.
Sat well, woke up when the sun is shining at my butt, so yeah half day gone, which i later meet up with my family at orchard to go shopping to buy a belt. Didn't manage to see a tie which i liked so yeah. Wanted to watch the f1 but then they sealed up all the viewing points even on nicole highway! But hey i managed to get a glimpse of the race car sped by ( oops, not supposed to when i'm at the wheel, but hey i'm driving real slow )
Sunday the usually sad booking in day was spent morning running for about 5 click plus with linton and aaron. That usual cocky linton who was so damn happy he got the best job among the 3 of us as a clerk and without much surprise was the slowest and the shaggiest! HAH! then breakfast at bpp. Before running some errands and was down town to buy a tie. Woah i think i spent quite a lot of money for the award presentation this friday. Oh well pay day's round the corner and a pay rise! Whee...
Watched 2 movies this week, 1 was downright funny while the other which i liked alot was quite touching namely get smart and 早熟 respectively...