{/>200 days to ORD
Sunday, July 26, 2009 ( 4:50 PM )
Officially less than 200 days to ORD as of wednesday. Whoo, i'm finally counting down. 196 days left to go.
This week's a pile of mud! My cupboard was ransacked and my new mp3 (less than 1 month) was stolen in the process. Because of that, everybody had to book out late as they stand by universe. I'm also down with quite a bad sore throat and a running nose. Sianzzz
Watched harry potter on friday night with my family at vivo. I kind of realise it had become a family thing to watch harry potter together since the first movie started. Its not as bad as some people put it, on the other hand there are definately things which could be better or some they left out like how some portraits are still...
Sat morning was spent at my bro's ptm, dun get me wrong i just merely went back to say hi to teachers =) Not bad i managed to talk to quite a few teachers as they happen to be free. Well was sad to know that mr chan resigned just before the june holidays. Good news on the other hand from Mr tan who told me that i should be able to receive my NYAA gold award from Mr Nathan this year. Finally, after a 2 year wait. Somehow or rather i feel quite comfortable when books are around, unknowning spent a couple of hours in the afternoon at the natl lib reading comics before wandering down to borders to check out some new books.
Supper with linton at marina square turned out to be just hokaido ice-cream! Dammit kenna conned, say go eat tau huay ends up become ice-cream. Anyway managed to catch jack and rai at the esplanade outdoor performing area. Man they are really good. Now i'm stuck to this song viva la vida...
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword, and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
{/Happy Brithday PQ
Sunday, July 19, 2009 ( 6:48 PM )

Another week gone, and i'm currently at the halfway mark of my course. 1 more month to go =) This week have been quite a slack week as we do not need to go out field, just test, test and more test, both theory and practical... I'm supposed to go for the formation run on friday morning, a 10km run at seletar, but due to tests on friday, a few of us have to give up the chance of early book out! Sianzzz... But still we managed to book out by 12.
Friday itself is a mad rush for me as i have physiotherapy appointment at changi general hospital in the afternoon. So it was like book out then rush home then rush to cgh then rush down to queens ( the bbq food supplier was making a hell of a noise when i arrive ). Well honestly not everything turned out as planned, and i have to trouble my dad to send me to queens after he knocked off and go home to bring me my barang barang.
All in all, i would say the bbq is a success! The turnout was great, even though shu ming and tim could not make it at the last minute. PQ and her bf arrived first so we went over to ntuc to grab utensils, water and more food! Minhui and Isaac joined us there and help to carry the stuffs back. By the time we're back at the condo it was just nice as people like don, lynette, joseph, joel and gerard start to arrive and help out with the setting up of the fire and slowly start to bbq. Not long after, people like jasmine, gabriel, jacq, suemaine, weiji and even a rare apparance by jessica! As we started the bbq late, by the time we have to end it at 10pm we left abit of food left uncooked. Tried to haggled with the security guard supervisor about it and with due mutual understanding, he allowed us to stay till about 11pm at the pit. Wisked everybody up to my empty house after 11pm and thats where we celebrated peiqi's birthday with a cake bought by brian and interesting enough a candle which can sing happy birthday.
Only a few of us stayed over, namely mh, pq, brian, weiji, joseph and me. Well as usual mh pq brian and weiji were hogging the mahjong set the whole night, leaving joseph and me nothing to do but sleep.
Being a host is not as easy as it seems, though i've help to organise a few bbqs' hosting one and followed by a stay over is much more taxing. Was totally shagged even though i didn't do much on saturday.
Happy Brithday PQ
{/A first for clubbing
Sunday, July 12, 2009 ( 1:02 PM )

It started out as a gathering with my pri6 classmates and our beloved chinese teacher Mdm Toh at yew tee. Was glad to meet up again and as usual we had our very long catching up before making our way down to butter factory where we were rejected entry to the age limit 23 section. The reason they give is damn stupid, we are not correctly dressed must be long sleeve cannot polo or t-shirt. -_-" So we end up at queueing at rebel. Thats when things start to happen, one of my friends drank bacardi bottle as though she's drinking 1.5ltr mineral water and she cannot walk straight and was high. Shortly after she entered the club she was dead drunk and had to be bounced out and vomited, sadly the guy she puked on was damn sian and send her home. But that was enough to affect everybody's mood, thinking of that, at the moment i was concerned (cause she fell like a pile of dunno-what on the floor), angry ( if you can drink then dun drink so much, have some social responsibility at the very least ) and intrigued by what alcohol can do to one's mind by the fact that the things she say while she's dead drunk and crying.

I went in with my eyes open and almost perfectly sane. Almost. ( just drank abit of vodka lime which i feel is like totally no effect)
It was damn noisy and darnk inside and everybody is like squeezed towards each other, some sweaty, so dry, some fat, some skinny, some chio, some ugly, some dance with the opposite sex, some dance with the same sex, some dance at the more empty area where ppl usually sit, some dance at the dance floor... Looking at the expressions on people's face some are enjoying themselves grinding each other, while some show that kind of irritated expressions as they are being grinding by someone they dun like...
I was told every time people go clubbing they got interesting things to share and well some of the things happened yesterday. Mingli was being harrassed by this desperate girl just as he puts in that way. She grab his hand and grind him while he didn't even do much, she also rub her middle on his thigh and try to grab his private part but lucky he managed to deter her and got saved by another friend of mine. Wai Cheung got the worst shock of his life, while he was on the way out, a guy accidentally grab his privates! OMG! As for me well, theres nothing much really worth mentioning as most of the time i'm enjoying the music and analysing people and the situations at a corner of the dance floor with my friends.

Met a few friends there too, debbie, esmond and this dude from my BSLC coy whos name escapes me.
Thats a first...
{/Bye Bye LBV
Friday, July 10, 2009 ( 11:50 PM )
Man, this week another milestone in my counting down days to ORD. Exactly 7 months more as of today and also its pay day, which makes pay day a more significant date to look forward to.
Took my first SOC test in my army life so far, the previous 2 times during my BSLC period i was sent to hospital, so this is my first SOC test and my passing time is 30 secs faster than the rest of my coursemates as i'm second year. Woah i'm honestly suprised i passed! Usually i run damn slow like 1-2 mins slower than the passing time then somemore while running i gave up halfway cause i saw my stopwatch timing wrongly then only to find out like 1 min later and then chiong all the way back. WHOOOOOO.... I can throw away my LBV already!
Words can't really express such feelings and like many others i made a very primitive action of expression of joy. I let out a loud "YES!" =)
{/L plate again
Sunday, July 05, 2009 ( 5:57 PM )
After about 4 months of getting my license, i'm back into "L" plate again! This time round, its for a 60 tonne monster, the oldest and fattest and heaviest sai kang warrior tank. Driving the monster is a totally different feeling as first its a left hand drive, with no steering wheel but a bar for replacement, and moving at 15km/h feels damn fast until you have a look at the speedometer. 5 days to learn and pass the test, 2 more days to go. Lucky we started on wed as by friday most of us wanted to die already! Waking up early in the morning to clean up and check the tank, then check again after lunch, then at night come back check again, knock knock knock, hammer hammer hammer, tighten tighten tighten...
Sat was spent helping out at east coast park for a family day event. Was stationed to give out souvenirs and then meals. Which is where is saw the ugly side of singaporeans, when everybody redeemed their food and we left quite alot, we made an announcement to give away all the rest of the food for free, and ppl all rush to the table and want to take as many things as possible. Some even took away cartonS of new water! (1 still okay la, some one shot take like 3-4 cartons away! ) Some keep coming back for more, some even koped plastic bags! Lols la. Below is an extract
Auntie: You giving out free meals right?
Me: Yep, how many do you want?
Auntie: How many do you have?
Me: 'points to the area which easily have more than 200-300 packs' have quite alot
Auntie: 'ponders and count' then like that arr, i want 10
The best part is when we ran out of vegetarian food, being typical singaporeans they like to choose and will try their luck at getting the better deal, so when they know that vegetarian food is out, instead of taking the normal meal, they want to change for KFC! ( the child's meal ) Child's meal is beside the point but HEY VEGETARIAN CANNOT EAT MEAT CAN EAT KFC! WOAH
Where are all your social graces?... Ugly singaporeans...