{/Company Annual D&D
Sunday, February 24, 2008 ( 2:22 PM )
Wednesday is the 7th day of the lunar new year, Happy Birthday everybody. It still suprises me that old is a taboo to some people. Like hello, welcome to reality, you've aged by 1 year no doubt older and wiser =) Well Linda bought a medium cheese cake and shared it with everybody. Then they got this stupid law saying that fat people will take small slice and skinny people get big slice. Ends up i get this big slice. Do i look damn skinny?
Thursday's Vday, usual day just that i suddenly got a present on my desk. A pack of chocolates. I'm growing fat already lah. Then evening kenna dragged to orchard borders by my brother and his friends. Go to orchard on vday night is really go there stone and chou re nao one lor. Had dinner there before going home.
Friday was pay day, actually wanna go out treat people wan, but then got company dinner. Dinner was at Intercontinental Hotel at bugis there and i was lucky to be sent there by Linzo this myanmese male colleague of mine from the other department, together with 6 other girls. They the stupid thing is that they saw this blue honda heavily modded to look like a sports car and they call it a ferrari and wanted to chase it, cause it was another colleague's car. Dinner started late as usual and everybody was at the lobby talking and drinking, oh and theres this free photograph and tatoo station. For a moment, i thought i'm safe by sitting with my 2 other colleges from the other department until my boss sat down on the table with his wife. Dinner was good with games and really entertaining entertainment (like playing bingo when everybody got the same card). Poor simon, i felt damn sad for him, was being embarrassed in front of everybody by the comedian. They even had tru tru train! -_-" The was food not bad lah no shark fin no scallop. Just Veg, Fish ..... My 2 colleagues and i are very lucky. Guan who sat on my left won the 40 something prize; a 50 bucks voucher, I won the 25th prize; a cny hamper, Linzo on my right won 1st prize !!! 32 Inch Lcd Tv.
Saturday was okay lah, went to watch CJ7 with my family at vivo. The movie is really damn funny especially when they play with CJ7, trying to cut it open and stuffs, especially the part when they try to revive the toy by battery, IV drip... Went to clarke quay at night to walk walk, then we go see the inverted bungee and stuffs, i'm suprised still got people want to go and try when its like 40 bucks for that 5 minutes.
Sunday was sian, went all the way to orchard, want to cut hair, shop close, want to buy bag, no stock, ends up go there eat dinner and buy bread home nia.
{/Sheng Ri Kuai Le
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 ( 7:51 PM )
Its finally the 7th day of the lunar new year and its everybody's birthday. Whooo, everybody's getting older by the day. Haha
Anyway well, sometimes being frank can have its set back. But well, thats me. I say what i think and usually i'm not the only one who thinks that way.
I realised that some people are pessimistic in the sense that the first thing which strike their mind is all the harm that can be done to them and not optimistic to see all the good point of what other's actions have brought to them. That what i feel is damn sad.
Regarding Jasmine's that problem, i've already discussed and settle it peacefully with GAB, yet she want to start a round 2. I'm tired and i don't want to a round 2. Say all you want, i'm just being frank but if you see it otherwise and put me in bad light, i've got nothing to say.
I'm Unrefrained!!! And i'll continue that way
{/Chinese New Year
Monday, February 11, 2008 ( 9:09 PM )
CNY came and well not exactly went but oh well on the way, its like the 5th day now.
Last week was interesting cause on Monday 1 of my supervisor was on leave, by tuesday BOTH my supervisors were on leave, leaving the poor me to answer their calls ( somemore they are like secretary ) so i had to keep taking notes for my 2 big bosses. Its like when busy is really very busy, when nothing to do is really no phone call so i get to slack abit and TRY as hard as i can to do work slowly.
My company also very good, got people send 5 packets of Bah Kwa, 2 big cartons of mandrin oranges and a carton of red wine. My boss gave me a bottle of red wine to my suprise! I brought that bottle of wine along with me for prata and pool with Joseph last last friday. Haha.
Wednesday i took half day leave and went back to SJI to visit teachers, by the time i reach there only Mrs Ho was left. Haha, anyway i met Shawn and Afzal and Wei Jiang also. After that was back home to pack the house.
Thursday Happy CNY, went to my grandfather's house. I brought along my laptop modem and router so that all the kids got something to entertain them. To my suprise all the kids brought laptops so ends up 7 laptops sucking bandwidth from 1 poor router and OH I FINALLY MANAGE TO OVERWORK MY ROUTER so much so that i keep dropping everybody !!! WOOTS. 7 LAPTOPS, WHAHAHAHA. But yeah while the adults talk and talk and talk, the kids play and play and play. When it was about evening, we went down with sparkles and start making fireworks and rockets with it.
Friday, went to my mother's side for dinner and watch tv, nothing much really except for the night when i went down to the garden to play sparkles with my neighbours from the europe trip. Learnt a new way to make exploding fireworks. Hehehe. Its highly addictive, highly amusing and highly dangerous. Play till about 1am and i'm enjoying the cool night breeze as usual.
Saturday, my cousins came over with their laptops and remote control plane. Man it was another day of gaming gaming gaming and non-stop. From computers to remote control plane and back to computer and makan and computer again.... Woah, but then the thing is that i ended up watching movies on my com cause i dun like the game they play except for the remote control plane. My cousins did many stunts with the plane and this is what i did with the plane. A picture speaks a thousand words. If you're stupid enough not to get it, feel free to ask me !!!
Sunday was visiting day again. Met up with joseph jessica minhui peiqi wenxi and isaac to go visit Mr Lim. His house is in between amk and hougang and why can't we meet up at amk when its so much nearer? HAHA Anyway his house is big yet very empty like he just shifted in like that. {I decided to remove this after a friendly debate with GAB} Chiong down to gek poh to meet Irene before going to her house to bai nian after that. Her friends are abit dao at first ( paiseh very direct again) Then after mahjong and a few card games everything became fine, Indian poker was fun especially when the forfeit was drink water again which i'm very good at. Haha. Went for dinner at jp after that and thats all for the wonderful day.
{/Happy Chinese New Year
Friday, February 08, 2008 ( 4:37 PM )
Its my 200th post and its HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR
LOLS, got tonnes to blog but no time for now, its packing and buying and stuffs. Haha
{/Update just incase you haven't met me
Saturday, February 02, 2008 ( 6:23 PM )
Finally after 2 weeks and many many blogskins, i've decided to use this for the time being. ( I'm still scrolling through blogskins in seach for a better blogskin though. Till then, this shall be it.
Since that is done i shall start blogging again.
Ever since after a lvls, i've gave up my table and put it in the hall so i'm table less. Ever since, i've been living in my 1 meter square with my bean bag, 2 cushions and my laptop, sometimes even sleeping at my small corner. The good thing is that 1 side of the wall is the wall and the other side is the window. My view overlookes the whole of bukit panjang bus interchange, LRT and the shopping centre. Sometimes i even use binoculous to see if mac's is packed before making a trip over to packet supper !!!
View in the evening
So thats life so far, then came work. I've worked 3 weeks and earned quite a bit about 1k. Haven minus cpf yet but also haven't added cpf contribution by company. Yesterday at 12pm i heard the bell. Man everybody got their pay yesterday, Linton, Joseph, Minhui (she got it the day before !!!).... I'm broke for now, left 40 bucks to survive till 15th then i'll be rich. Lols, but i still got to treat people and some greedy people like minhui and xiuting are asking for more than 1 treat!!! ( SO FAT ALREDY STILL WANT TO EAT SO MUCH =D ) Haha.
Anyway i'm really happy with my work, just that i start to realise office politics is starting to involve me. That sucks, especially when i got 2 supervisor ( P the main while C is the sub-supervisor ) are of different 'sects' so obviously they are not on good terms and i've become the innocent victim in the process. But anyway as i was saying my workplace at the operations department is very sex segregated ( not that it is but its just happens to be that way ). The ladies all work at small partitions as they are the admin people while all the guys work in rooms as either they are bosses or they are engineers working in a big common room. And the best part i was given a room by myself !!! ( As my boss got promoted, i get to use his old room ) Its like OMG LAH. Haha. Man my job rocks. Its so fun that i get to learn things almost everyday. And also i get to OT too !!! Sounds good but they are seriously overworking all the admin people me included. Of all the 4 stories which my company occupy, my level is the one where you can still find more than half the staffs even at about 7.30pm (thats 2 hours after knock off!) due to the never ending amount of work to be done.
My table and look at the amount of paper work and files !!!
( 3:31 PM )
Man, this is sian, really spent like most of my free time on the computer searching for a blogskins and yet after scrolling through like more than 400 blogskins i still cannot find a nice one. LOLS. 2 weeks, for 2 weeks i've been searching. Haizzz. Sian, i'm really lazy to write my own blogskin. No time to write also, everyday OT till so late.