{/Bye Bye Peeish
Thursday, November 29, 2007 ( 10:00 AM )
Well, the class met up early today at cine kbox, spending our last few moments with Pee Sheng. I didn't go to kbox partly due to 2 reasons, first i don't sing. Second, the only time i went into kbox ( after being dragged literally into kbox ) i slept inside there. Well, an idea of going to kbox could no doubt be from Isaac. But anyway Swee went too, saying that he want to learn chinese.
After that at about noon, i met up with many others and went to eat suki sushi at cine. People who went include Tim, Isaac, Xiuting, Andrew, Min Hui, Lynette, Don, Pei Qi, Weiji, Jacqueline, Tim, Pee Sheng and Shu Ming. At first Xiuting, Andrew, Isaac and me were squeezing into a 4 person table. Shortly after, Shu Ming arrived and the 5 of us have to squeeze even more. The pissing thing is that, we saw an empty table for 6 and we requested for a change, but we were rejected. Guess what, the staff then ushered 2 females to the table of 6 !!! WTH. Anyway not only was the service bad, the food there was bad, horrible. I was eating this squid halfway and it caused me to puked abit. I heard from the others that suki sushi at cine used to be very good a few years go but well, it sucks now, guess its gonna be my first and last time there.
We went to watch a movie called the kingdom short after the buffet lunch ended. Well the movie is not bad, about this FBI agents in Saudi Arabia and killing the mastermind of the bomb attack. The ending was the heart throbbing part when one of the FBI agents were kidnapped and was going to be killed infront of the video camera. Anyway the last part was the gist of the whole movie, when a male FBI agent told a female agent " We gonna kill them all " before going to Saudi Arabia. And its exactly what the old mastermind of the bomb attack told his grandson just before he died. It shows the never ending struggle which carries beyond a single generation.
After that is really farewell Pee Sheng. That was the last time i met him as he's going to Malaysia the next day before flying off to China, his new home on Saturday from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 ( 9:58 PM )
Met up with the guys at orchard coporthorne hotel which is just, well near orchard i would say but not very near either. Luckily the girls went out to paragon to get their hair, nails and eye done, leaving the guys to slowly take their time bathing and changing into their smart suits. That don is really like can open hair salon those kind, he brought wax, gel, spray... last but not least a hugo boss cologne. Everybody start to borrow and guess what !?!?! ALL ENDED UP THE SAME SMELL. Hahahahaha. Oh well anyway Tim's dad fetch us to Meritus Mandrin saving us some money for the afters.
Prom well it was good, actually i can't compare cause i've never been to another one so i guess i'll keep any funny comments to myself. Anyway the emcee was good, with his entertaining yet sometimes lame sentences. Well the awards are like woah can't remember much, i only remember 2 parts, 1 is the alvan going for the most photogenic male and there he was standing there throughout the 9 shots and posing for the last 1. The other is the romeo and juliet part by sean and amelia, don't die don't die, at least give me your pin number to your atm card first, don't die. Haha. Food wise i have no comments either, cause its not really nice and not really not nice.
After that was post prom at DXO. We left mandrin at 12 and by the time we queued and went in, it was almost 1am. Actually i dun wanna go but then since like everybody going then i go and see see lor. What a bad way to lose my club virginity and 15 bucks. Just blew it like that! Anyway I went into the club for about a while, couldn't tahan the NOISE and went out to the outside bar ( or whatever you call that ) Well outside was good, it wasn't noisy at all and had cool breezes. Sitting outside and talking was the only thing i did all the way till about 3am when then club closes. I'm suprised that my classmates ordered tower after tower of vodka, lols, i think got about 5 in total, even more suprised is that i didn't drink !!! Haha. Oh wells, i don't drink anyway.
Soon it was 3am and it was time to move and well jasmine was kind of obviously abit of drunk seeing that she can't even talk properly, nevertheless a drunk will never say he's/she's drunk so needless to say she said she ain't drunk. Haha. And oh, isaac was complaining that someone groped his ASS. Haha and he is praying the person is a female. It would be interesting if the person is a male. =)
Took a cab with linton and linus back home, on the way i went back to copthorne orchard to grab my stuffs and only had i reached home then i realised that i left my coat and my belt at the hotel. Haha. Btw i heard they had alot of fun drinking back in the hotel again.
{/Tim's house stay over
Sunday, November 25, 2007 ( 7:31 PM )
Morning went to play basketball, reach amk at 10.10. I didn't know i can reach there so fast, took about 40 mins instead of 1hour. Went for breakfast with Isaac at macs before going to Tim's house. After like months of sitting infront of the table and mugging, all of us are very tired easily, after a few games of 1v1 we were dead beat, the worst thing, none of us brought money to buy drinks. Then was back at tim's house to dota and bathe as i have brought my laptop along to Tim's house. Kenna pawned by Tim, but match up much better against Isaac. Oh yeah, as i prefered to sit on the floor insead of a chair, Tim was indirectly being told off by his eldest sis and dad for not offering me a seat. Whoops, my bad.
After a nice COLD refereshing bathe, we went to meet fh mh pq wj ps to eat lunch : chicken rice before going grocery shopping at serangoon gardens. Lols, its kind of weird doing grocery shopping with friends. Haha. Anyway bought a lot of barang barang to eat and stuffs, even campbell soup !!! After a short walk back to swee's house, we went to the attic and everybody start to play. Some play xbox like the NBA basketball game, some played pool, and some went to fix the 1000 pieces puzzle. As time passes by, more people start to appear like Gabriel, Jasmine, Jacqueline, Don and Lynette as we continue to play till about dinner time.
We ordered 6 boxes of canadian pizzas and were waiting for joseph, joel and gerard to arrive before starting dinner. Guess what, those 3 arrived with subway !!! Practially made all of us wait for nothing. After that was back to games. i was in between table tennis xbox pool, my computer, and puzzle. Technically everywhere except majhong which they are playing in a room. Soon it was like 1am and it was roughly then that the girls decided to give up on fixing the puzzle and decided to cheat by looking at the clues behind. As it was a present to TIM, all of us took turns to bathe and help to fix the puzzle. It was also then that they complain my nice and smooth chinese songs are too ancient!!! Haha. Though i kind of agree with them cause the songs are somewhat like 10 years back or so BUT they are NICE.
By the time we finish fixing the puzzle it was about 3am, hungry as can be, we slowly made our way down for supper before going into the room to play some games. We started out with Don, Tim, Ps, WJ, Mh, PQ, Jac, Lyn and me with a gamed named indian poker, where the loser had to drink practically a glass full of water due to DON's generous serving of plain water. Next up was something something similar to a dare thingy but its like the forfeit is for 2 person and Jasmine joined us for this game. This is THE fun part cause many things happen, i'm forced to pole dance and take pq as the pole, weiji and jacq rub nose, weiji spank peesh with pillow, tim kiss mh from hand to shoulder, weiji and me had to swap playing cards with our mouth only, mh and lyn kiss with a coin in between, tim and jasmine swap tops when jasmine was wearing a tank top!, ps and pq swap shirt, ps and lyn asked to make some funny funny make out sounds..... Lols it was fun.
Before long, the sun rose and ironcially as it sounds like we start to doze off one by one. Tai Yang Shai Pi Gu Lo. Haha. Anyway we left tim's house at about 3pm after helping to pack up tim's house then mh, pq, jas, wj, joseph, ps and me go amk pepper lunch makan before heading home.
{/The end of my 12 years of formal education
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 ( 11:37 PM )
At the start of Pri Sch, i was like wah 12 years more to go. But at that time, we are still small kids, school was never a chore as we go there lalalala blah blah blah remembering our A,B,C's and 1,2,3's. Woah finally after 6 years of sucky canteen food, i finished primary school.
With some intellengence within me, i felt smarter, and bring a pri 5 and 6 is like big boy in the school, so when we go into sec sch, I'm the youngest again. I felt so small and its exactly this time when i grew from a bamboo stick to a puffer fish. Round and chubby and all more like a bloated ginger bread man i suppose. But being in NCC and SJI really changed me. All the cirriculum and stuffs, leadership trainning, leadership postitions, presentations, religious and moral education, personal and social education, social etiqute and stuffs, broaden my mindset about the world. Most importantly, i had a great bunch of classmates especially my sec 3 and 4 classmates whom we bonded very well, even with our teachers. All the crazy, random, mad things we do, they all unforgetable. After 4 years in SJI, its finally time to move on with life, and i must say i miss the life in SJI alot, not because its all guys, but rather its the atmosphere of all for one and one for all, the never say die and chiong all the way attitude. With a heavy heart i left SJI hoping CJC might be a better place.
Well, not long after entering CJC, it took me some time to realise that SJI mentality does not hold anymore, thus i'm forced to change my ways and behaviour so as to be able to blend in better with my classmates, but this process of changing one's character is not a smooth sailing one. Often i'm lost amist the changing process, unsure of where to go, what to do, which often leaves me wondering who have i become. My JC1 life past quite slowly with PW and stuffs and technically speaking it was quite peaceful and simple. As compared to my JC1 life, my JC2 life is a very ardous journey full of ups and downs, faced with increasing pressures from my volleyball team, my teachers, my classmates and my parents. There's a period of time when i almost broke down and collapsed due to stress. The teacher which inspires me the most was none other than my ex-volleyball teacher current class 95 DJ, Caroline Smith. Though her words we very direct and hurtful at first, she changed the way i view things and brought me back to my feet when i'm down. In a blink of an eye, the graduation ceremony marks the closing of the curtains for another section of my life. Thoughout my entire JC life, I have acquired quite a few important life experiences which i must say each came at a great price.
With the end of my last A lvl paper, it marks the end of my formal education. Sometimes i wonder how ironic life can be. At the start, i'm complaining the journey's too long, now standing at the end of the journey, i'm thinking, why is it so short. Stepping out into the uncertain path which lies ahead of us, its no use turning our heads back. Now i'm at the beginning of a new phase in life...
I haven't played that much before. But after playing so much i still want to play somemore, maybe i felt that i've compromised alot of my play this past 12 years. Today 21th November was the day i really played like theres no tomorrow, the day where i'm really free from academic burdens. After my last paper, i went out with my classmates for breakfast at Macs, suprisingly alot of people came, but some left when we start to go around shopping while waiting for the movie to start. The movie called Gameplan was about this guy whos at his peak of his football career, and just when he's at his prime, he was faced with a serious mental dilema when a 8 year old kid claimed to be his daughter, which apparently belongs to his ex-wife. After that wonderful movie which we entered late due to time mismanagement by the 3 girls who when shopping namely Lynette, Min Hui and Pei Qi, everybody decided to go home. So i jumped over to paradiz to play lan with my friends in T14. It was quite fun playing CS and Dota with them as everybody keep making stupid mistakes. Haha. After that when finish lanning, they decided to go home also, so i make a hop again, this time to ngee ann poly to play bball with Joseph. After almost 1 month of not exercising, my physical fitness dropped like a stone. Man it sucks with such lousy physical fitness. ARGH after playing for so long, i'm tired mentally and physically, a nice warm shower and a rainy weather just top off my day with a good nigth sleep. How wonderful.
{/Burnt out
Monday, November 19, 2007 ( 1:36 PM )
Okay this post goes to all my friends out there who are sick and/or still sick.
First was Tim, then Nurul then Me and now Gabriel. Crap i can't remember the others. GET WELL SOON, if not you will be missing out on your holidays/parties/clubbings/reunions.........
Feeling sick isnt really a good feeling when you are going into the exam hall with a grogy head which can't think at all. That sucks and that happened to me over the last week. For those who are on medication, wish you speedy recovery, for those who dun believe in medication ( like me ) well, drink more water and go to the toilet more often, that's the safest cure.
ARGH MY SELF CONTROL.... DETERMINATION !!! GOSH, after 1 month of hardcore mugging at my condo's function room. Its just left with this few days, can i can't stop slacking. Shit, this is bad, i need to get myself ready for the last paper tomorrow when i still got like 700+ mcqs to finish. DAMN.
Craps i realised i'm growing fat, eating fish and chips for snacks every day. But then its really very nice. Mental dilema again. The stupid thing is that i need to gain weight, ARGH and for the past 3 months no matter how much i eat i still have not gained a single KG. SIANzzz. Oh well, who cares, for now, i shall carry on my daily routine to buy my fish and chips and hola watch new movies which i just acquired.
{/Okay I Guess I'm Bored Tonight
Saturday, November 10, 2007 ( 12:40 AM )
I'm really bored and here i'm doing some personality test which i think its quite interesting, especially the results
Which Sesame Street Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are part Oscar the Grouch. You can be gruff and often have a chip on your shoulder. Despite your intelligence, manners (and cleanliness) are of little importance to you. At the same time, you have a few very close friends who you allow to see a softer, kinder side of you. |
![]() | You are part Elmo. You are lovable and ticklish, and always inquisitive. Sometimes, though, your excitement about the world can make you seem childish, naive, and occasionally irritating to others. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
Which Peanuts Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Charlie Brown. You are always optimistic and persistent, and everyone appreciates your simple sweetness. Sometimes, however, your anxieties get the best of you, and life's mysteries can confuse you. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
What Kind of Girl Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You will fall for the cutie. You like girls with a personality. She's got to have a nice smile and a sense of humor. Although she doesn't have to be a model, she has to be that girl-next-door. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
What City Should You Live In? | |
![]() | You should live in Paris. The city of lights will appeal to your appreciation of beauty and romance. You are a lover and a poet by nature, and Paris' sensitive charms will be a perfect match for yours. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
Which Harry Potter Character Are You? | |
![]() | You are Harry. You're a loyal and courageous friend. You'd do anything to protect the people you love, especially if it'll get you a break from class for a little while. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |
Which Hogwarts House Would You Be In? | |
![]() | The Sorting Hat would put you in Hufflepuff. You are reserved, rational, and down-to-earth. You work well with others, are a great team player, and you always take a stand against injustice. |
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com |