{/Happy Birthday Bro
Saturday, October 27, 2007 ( 11:17 PM )
Ok dun really know what to post. I'm really quite confused now about many things, my alvls, some interpersonal problems, the bleak future which lies infront of me... Lols its not easy to be me i suppose. But 1 thing is that i'm still happily surviving. Still they are bugging.
And i just realised something this week, i kind of unable to truely express my thoughts and feelings clearly. That sucks big time especially when gp is like nxt week. Shit.
Ok, nothing much happened except that i am lacking time. Wished i could turn back the time, and many things would have changed.
Teachers, I want to be your friend and slowly examine you, get close to you and know you inside out.
Today's my bro's birthday so HAPPY BITHDAY MENG
Had a wonderful dinner at holland village, at some labanese restaurant. The food was beyond any singaporean taste. Sour, spicy, salty all add up. Woah, like a blast of taste its so refreshing to try something new every now and then =)
Appitizer. Either you are hungry after that or you are turned off. Got olive, carrot, cucumber, chilli....
Vegetarian diet i swear
Okay at least this was better with prawn, chicken, beef and mutton. Even the onion taste nice =)
Complimentary Desert =) Almond pudding, actually its just curddled condensed milk with almond toppings
{/Gab's phone
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 ( 1:19 AM )
Monday ! The last week of study break before a lvls.
This is a super lazy and strip down post of what happened on monday, in order of time.
Gp in the morning 8am. Went to school by bus again.
Jasmine caught without a skirt, everybody crowd around her and Michael Tan.
Drunk a whole bottle of dunno what apple juice which taste horrible: stomachache after that
Sit in to listen for another 4 hours of gp almost koed: Mental saturation
Spoiled gab's phone by accident during gp while trying to unlock his phone. Of all the people who try to unlock his phone it spoiled on me. But well, i got pass his first pin number : Sry pal, my bad
Mdm Hanisah drove Gabriel and Me home. Actually Mdm Hanisah called us to go over, then Gab dared me to go over so i went, in the end he went to and we hitched a ride. Her car is a grey SUV i think. I can't really differential between a SUV or MPV by the look of it.
{/To emo and changed people
Sunday, October 21, 2007 ( 11:10 PM )
Why is everybody so erm emoish and changed recently. Hmm, let see,
First we got this Mr Koh. Who changed due to a few reasons. Private ones which i shall not disclose.
Then there was this Ms Tan, who changed and emoed due to some private reasons also.
Oh yeah, there was this Mr Gan, who emoed cause of some things a teacher said to him.
Also another Ms Tan, who emoed and i presume still emoing due to reasons undisclosed.
I bet there are a few others too, but maybe i just didn't know them well enough to know that they are emoing or changed.
Anyway, for those who are changed, well good luck for the new you, dun slowly turn back to the old you :p Jiang shan yi gai ben xing nan yi, but still theres a will theres a way.
Those who are still emoing esp Ms Tan ( then again is my assumption), well cheer up and smile =) Its okay to take a step back to reflection upon life once a while but don't linger in it for too long. For life isn't that bad after all, there are new discoveries to be made, new friends to be made, a wonderful and bright path is awaiting you filled with adventure, fun and laughter.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, thats why its called present!

{/Not right
Saturday, October 20, 2007 ( 10:03 AM )
Can't believe it. Haizzz, first thing in the morning kenna kp by parents cause i woke up at 7.10. Nvm, manged to rush to school in time by bus. Thank god. Met Fang Hui and Gabriel at the bus stop also. Very suprised.
After that was gp tut and stuff, still quite okay, break that time. Woah i lost my cool. Man i seriously just can't stand her anymore. Maybe what the others say about her is right. Studying at school can be very productive but then she keep coming to the study area so i keep going away to other places to study. Ends up playing rubik's cube with Sam, Wai Cheung, Yao Zhong they all. GP was not that bad as we finally did content knowledge and learn quite a few stuffs.
Chiong to beauty world after that to send my stuffs to photocopy and meet joseph. Studied there for awhile before proceeding to the study area under my house. Our plan was to study overnight at my study area follow by the 24hours macs at bukit panjang. But then some stupid things happened. We we go down to the study area it was already booked. Argh. Gabriel told me he will be going straight but ends up he didn't and i didn't call to book the room. Sian 1/2 already. Then went to Mac to study and the person told us that cannot study at Mac's. WTH. Sianness. But still okay lah. Jospeh had no choice but to head home while i went home for dinner. Sry boss.
What i learnt and heard about others, infact quite alot, is people's opinion on others. What i have not heard about is about myself. What have become of me? I got a feeling that i have become the one i do not wish to become.
Maybe i should not have found back my misson in life, cause now my mission in life and my dreams sort of clash and i need to choose either one. Its hard to compromise when both are at the opposite ends.
Somethings i dunno whether to let it go or not. It seems to be quite distanced already yet i she bu de let it go.
Maybe Joseph and Pei Qi was right, i'm a very happy and easy going guy, but deep down inside i'm not really that happy.
Tim's right. Dota solves everything =) After 8 pawning games of dota, i'm back =) Wheee
I need a walk ... ( this time to jian fei )
{/Blogged !
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 ( 2:05 PM )
Lols, a few days nia, Joseph i know blogging's your new hobby but can't you see i got nothing much to blog about? Haha.
Oh yeah heres your sentence you wanted to see on my blog on sunday. JOSEPH HAS BEEN TREATING ME "VERY WELL" FOR THE PAST YEAR. =) Pei Qi you can act as witness, haha.
Craps my brain is going nuts. Sleeping at an average of 3 am everyday waking about at about 7am the nxt day. Man i'm seriously sleep deprived. And most of the time when i study nothing went in so ends up talking on msn and playing games or just stone. Oh yeah and i'm like addicted to facebook, i'm on facebook whenever i'm using my com !!!
Lets see, theres Sunday where i went to Ngee Ann Poly to mug with Joseph and PeiQi. Haha, talk quite a lot of rubbish and most importanly i learnt how to solve a rubic's cube the day before so over there keep solving the pattersn PeiQi made with the rubic's cube. Joseph was talking about his aspirations and calculation his pay and stuffs. Ends up he realise that his pay is enough to pay for his expenses but not enough for him to raise a family. Haha. Went out to Bukit Timah Plaza to eat dinner and back to Ngee Ann Poly to study again, by the time we are back at the poly it was about 8pm so we went to the study area near the swimming pool. There was practically no one at the study area except for the 3 of us. Talk about this and that. Not bad, i finally found back my mission in life, its something that i've lost ever since the 2nd orientation in CJC, i'm glad to find it back though its kind of late. 2 years had already gone by.
I did 2 damn funny things during that 2 hour period at the study area. First was the very usual Wee Hoe who never fails to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. We're talking about something then peiqi mentioned 84 days. At that point in time i forgot what the 84 days means and Joseph then say until 84 days like some big thing like that, so i just added in, 100 days go celebrate !!! Lols, after i said that all of us stunned. The second thing i did was even better, i wanna ask lynette how much Gerard's birthday present is, so i keep thinking Gerard's present, Gerard's present, Gerard's present, until i smsed Gerard how much is his present !!! Lols.
Okay lets see, hmm, went back to school on tuesday cause monday is public holiday. Oh yeah, guess what, i fasted for the first time on the 13th Oct 2007 and just nice it was Hari Raya eve. Whee. The thing is that after that fasting, i come to realise fasting is not as bad as i have thought. ( Maybe cause i only did that for a day ) Although i'm very hungy especially when it gets to about the last hour of fasting. I want to thank Nurul who apparently is a malay and she encouraged and gave me pointers to tahan through the last hour. Thanks.
Okay tuesday, nothing much happened. We went back to school for Chem mcq mock. When i do the paper i'm freaking happy cause its so easy and i'm very happy that i managed to find a lot of the pitfalls in the questions. But when i mark the paper i damn sad, some of the harder pitfalls i recognise and overlooked the more simpler pitfalls. Argh, that seriously sucks big time. A lvls like that die le lah. Went to Mos with Joseph Gerard, Tim, Pei Qi, Min Hui, Lynette, Don, Weiji, Pee Sheng and Isaac for lunch. Joseph and I ended up teaching Gerard how to fix the Rubic's Cube, while the other guys are playing the naruto game on PSP.
After that we all parted and supposed to leave for home. Min Hui, Joseph, Pee Sheng and I ended up at Pei Qi's house 'studying' which needless to say involved teaching Min Hui and Pei Qi how to fix the cube, playing O2jam which we take turn to pawn ppl, and also watch bleach on tv. Lols. Actually we wanted to leave early but as it was rainning we were trapped in Pei Qi's house. And pls, PQ's whole family is like tall and she's like the shortest.
Okay dinner at Bukit Timah Market was erm well, great i suppose. Haven't been there for along time ever since i shifted to Bukit Panjang from Bukit Timah. A few shops have changed hands as far as i can remember. Hola, Pee Sheng Joseph and I started talking about stuffs again, in deep thoughts of our ever tricky questions for each other. Haha.
to be continued...
{/A week after Graudation
Saturday, October 13, 2007 ( 6:15 PM )
I haven been blogging much recently and in this 1 week many thing changes. Though its like going back to school at 8am everyday meeting classmates for lessons and mugging in school, it didn’t feel as though we are parting for good.
We went to Coronation Plaza to eat as a class on Tuesday. The last time we went there was more than a year ago, after our sports carnival. Sat around a table after lunch and start shooting private questions at each other, guys and girls included. I realised that most of the questions are directed towards guys and that I absorbed quite a bit. Also I seemed to realise that guys will give honest answers at these type of conversation as opposed to females who will just laugh their way out and direct your questions away.
Friday was CJC open house, and our plan to mug in the lib needs some readjustment. Anyway met up with Joseph and ended up coming to my house to play computer games, change and went out to buy present for Xiuting after that. Met the rest of the people at Plaza Singapura pizza hut to celebrate Xiuting’s birthday. Seriously speaking Andrew changed a lot as compared to the start of last year and Xiuting played an important part in it. During the celebration, Andrew presented a ring to Xiuting and they are now OFFICALLY OFFICIAL. Whahaha. I bet Xiuting was the happiest girl in the whole world that day. Not forgetting Gerard’s birthday who happened to be on the same day as Xiuting’s. They bought him a new handphone !!! As his old phone had intermittent problems.
At pizza hut, the guys sat at the round table and start shooting questions at each other again, this time going in a circle Shu Ming, Joseph, Joel, Gerard, Me, Pee Sheng, Tim and Weiji. Needless to say we are interrupted by leechers.
Not that I’m pissed or angry or wad, its just that some females are super damn KA-PO want to join the circle to listen. Then when its their turn they dun wan to answer!!! It’s just really very annoying and irritating. If you listen and you answer we are fine with it. Tim was so pissed that he walked off, though he didn’t really show that he is pissed. Shu Ming face also changed and became silent. Joseph and Gerard went back to play with Joel. It just pisses everybody off without us showing it.
Anyway still I would prefer it all guys, at least it’s easier to talk due to our topic and also won’t side track that much as we all give honest answers. Through that conversation I absorbed quite a bit of gossips and stuffs. But more importantly although the questions are very intrusive, it made me think a lot harder than before.
After dinner the guys decided to go play a game of Dota before catching the last train back. Lols we walk all the way to Paradiz to play 1 game of Dota which lasted exactly 1hour before heading for home. The stupid thing is that Shu Ming, Weiji, Joseph, Pee Sheng and I waited for about 20 mins at the bus stop for the bus then we realise that we missed our last bus!!! It was about 12.30 then. Haha, but anyway we continue to shoot each other with questions so the time was relatively well spent. We got no choice but to squeeze into a cab, heading towards Bukit Timah. I went home while the others went for supper before heading to Weiji’s house to play mahjong. Somehow or rather, a comment from Joseph and Shu Ming made in the cab keep sticking in my head.
{/Graduation Day 5th Oct
Saturday, October 06, 2007 ( 7:00 PM )
First thing in the morning i forgot to bring my tie. In a hurry i left it on my table, argh. Upon arrival in school i realise that co-op is not open as JC1's are not in school. Sianzzz. Went around the school calling and smsing to borrow tie. Finally Lynette managed to borrow a tie from her junior. Heng sia...
As theres no assembly that morning, we gathered in class while waiting for Mdm Hanisah. She came in shortly after 8am and the first thing she made us do was reflections about how we grew up as a class and as individuals throughout the year. We recieved the note which we wrote at the start of the year and then write another one to put back into the time capsule as she calls it. Also as it was Tim's birthday today, we gave Mdm Hanisah the honours to present Tim his brithday present from the class, a white t shirt with painted palm prints.
After that was what you call the spliting up of the sexes. Lols. The girls gather around the teachers table and help to make the class banners while the guys, typical guys took their chairs and sat at the back of the class to talk. Not that bad lah, some guys help abit here and there in the banner making and a few others helped to clean up the class. I'm quite suprised Vince who i dare bet that he does not do housework at home was the most hardworking one cleaning up the class. Haha.
After all the banner making and stuffs, Mdm Hanisah gave us our parting gift she made of us just before we left for the graduation ceremony. All of us were struck dumbfounded. None of us expected such a gift from her. She's the more action kind of person rather than words and her present speaks volumes about her care and concern for us. This left several class girls crying including Mdm Hanisah. ( I'm suprised someone didn't cry :p )
The ceremony was like a rojak of emotions. First up was the marching in of the HTCs with class banners and that was like a very joyous atmosphere. After that then came the speeches by Bro Paul, which he points out a few "OUTSTANDING" students and their AMAZING STORIES. Then was a video montage, pictures of the events that happened throughout our 2 years in CJC since orientation 1. There was also the presentation of best home class awards and stuffs. Not forgetint the super hilarous speech by Justin Ong. His mockery of Mr Wong, Ms Lee drew loud applause from the crowd.
Soon it was 12pm and we all lined up and went to receive our graduation cert and our graduation pin from our home tutor. Back in class, there was a short encounter with shelby. First thing i came into class she accused me of not picking up her call ( come on, i'm in the ceremony, even if i can pick up, i won't either ) Then she go around banging tables and drawers and stuffs furious that she can't find her book. That was the last straw for Lynette who happen to be present thoughout the incident, out of both eruption and prolonged tolerance blew her top and asked shelby to f off. Which she immediately left the class with a loud bang of the class door. Seriously she ought to be shot.
Leaving those hot temper behind, i never fail to mastermind the tao pok of Vince. Hehe. Its like damn sad lah, i tao pok him then no one came add up to the tau pok, then when i kenna tau pok everybody jump on me. *@$% what kind of logic is that man !!! At the end of the day all the guys kenna tau pok except Isaac due to his big size and Tim who was too fast for us and Joseph who MIAed. If i'm not wrong some guy almost got thousand years of pain. Haha. After that some guy ambushed Tim and flour water and egg at him out of fun, but EGGS !!! ARGH, abit out of the mind.
Went to Toa Payoh pizza hut for lunch. We were supposed to meet the first aiders there but ends up they pang seh us. Isaac had to leave halfway as his grandmother is hospitalised, but Tim being so engrossed in the naruto game didn't noticed it. Haha, Other wise it was a great lunch out at pizza hut. After that it was an all guys outing. Lols the last time that happened was last year and we went to play badminton at toa payoh. This time round Tim, Shu Ming, Andrew, Weiji, Pee Sheng, Zhen Jie, Gerard and me went to paradiz to play dota. 4 games which took us about 4 hours or so excluding the short wtf game which we play for kicks. Weiji is super suay, 7 games in a row all sp and 7 games all play opposite Tim. Haha. That seriously sucks. We started at about 3 then ended at about 7.30 or so. After that we went to makan at the foodcourt downstairs and meet up with Gabriel, Jasmine, Xiuting, Pei Qi, Joseph and Joel.
Proceed over to Cathay at about 9.10pm to meet up with Min Hui, Lynette and Don before going to watch the movie I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. Lols it was a very funny show but some parts very disgusting like the guy in bunny suit and stuffs. Yuck, damn turn off and disgusting. Got other very funny scenes like the splits and the church scenes. Man they are really hilarious. The movie ended about 11.30pm and sadly to say everybody made their way home. No one wants to stay for supper. Ends up Shu Ming and I had supper at Bukit Panjang Macs before heading home at about 1am.
{/Last Days in school
Thursday, October 04, 2007 ( 10:57 PM )
Finally after a whopping 12 years in school, its finally the last day of our grueling, 6am waking, pain-staking, mind boggling, brain wrecking, maddening, and sometimes sucky school life. Its finally the end. I can't believe it...
This last week makes me think back of the 2 years i've spent in CJC. Reminising about our orientation when we first came in, and all the funny and crazy things we did. Then to our class bonding, all thanks to SHELBY. She really caused our class to bond very well together as a whole. All the other things that we did together like making weiji climb the pole during PE, playing basketball after pe lessons and after school, all the lunch outings we went as a class, ice-skating, going to sentosa, birthday celebrations, chalet, growing up as a class, racial harmony day, cjc alfresco...
JC2 was when our class really became united though sadly to say its all against SHELBY. A lost, poor soul who chooses to fight for what she thinks is right, irregardless of the number of people she upset on her way. Lord, please guide her, and show her the way.
Looking back on the things i've done though out my entire JC life, there are somethings which i should not have done, especially taking time for granted. For now, i'm left with a few more hours of graduation tomorrow before we're offically ex CJCians stepping out into the unknown world lying ahead of us, each going a seperate way. Maybe one day when our paths cross, we'll meet again.
With all due respect to Lynette, thank you for being such a wonderful HTC, making our JC lives ever more enjoyable with your wacky ideas of celebrations and outings.
To our DC Vince, though i know you are a smarty pants, and always MIA during class outings, well i really did enjoy the times doing crazy things with you which often reminds of the good old days at SJI. For that, my sincere appreciation.
To our Treasurer Gerard Fan, well though you are like a freaking red faced loan shark who always come after us for money, you're a nice guy actually with a good personality. Thanks for your hard work spent on extortion to enable us to collect our notes on time.
To Tim its my honour to have you as a friend. You have been a very motivating and compassionate friend who never fails to lend a helping hand whenever help is needed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And i hope you would enjoy your birthday gift tmr. Happy 18th Birthday Tim.
To Isaac, though you simply just pisses me off sometimes, i'm still very thankful for making our class ever so lively with your highly amusing and entertaining jokes and pranks. For that, i take my hat off for you.
To Xiuting, who's my random buddy, thanks for all the time we spend randoming on msn for hours, it really my pleasure to have a buddy like you who can talk random stuffs. It reminds me of my SJI days where my best friend and i would talk and do random stuffs all day long. Thanks for all your corny jokes and not forgetting your food!!! =)
To Jess, my besar sotong friend whom i can talk rubbish with on msn till the wee hours of the night and mostly early mornings. Many thanks.
To Joseph, my good small eyed, friendly looking, street smart, and sometimes vain friend whom we spend countless afternoon mugging together, be it in library or at Kong's place. And the times we spent prataing till late nights. Thanks for everything
To Sue Maine, Jacqueline and Fang Hui, thanks for being such dependable subject reps who never fails to remind us on our up coming tests and also for all your effort spent collecting notes and stuffs. Sue Main for her loundess, Jacqueline for her cartoon character look and Fang Hui for her cuteness.
To Shin and Wenxi, though i like seriously hardly ever talk to the both of you, but still thanks for playing a part in my JC life.
To Jasmine, well we really never managed to communicate well for long, even holding normal conversation with you seems to be a problem at times. Maybe its just that our ego clashes, but i must really say you got a lot of ego for a girl. At times, its really agonising to work with you especially during PW, but otherwise, its enjoyable.
To Pee Sheng, erm i really really don't know what to write to you. Something just seemed to happen roughly about 2-3 months back and since then you suddenly seemed so stranger to me. For the times we played ro, dota and other computer games. For the times spent together in the first 3 months and on bus journeys. Thanks for everything.
To Peiqi, this very emoish and 'lian'ish classmate of mine who seems to be high on air every now and then and mood swings like very so often. Sometimes her actions are very disgusting but other wise a very happy and loose person. Nice knowing you.
To Gabriel, my neighbour and bus buddy who always pangseh me here and there. Its really enjoyable to have a friend like him, as he never fails to entertain with his unpredictable actions which are usually hilarious. And for all the help that you rendered me especially academic ones, thanks.
To Shuming, well, its only like the past 1 -2 months that i really had some decent conversation with you. And through those decent conversations i come to realise that you are quite a funky guy. A guy with funny ideas but choose to keep it. Thanks for all that intellectual conversation and sharings in which i found someone who also has funny and crazy ideas in common.
To Weiji, my big headed, long nose hair, chinese speaking pw mate. Other than the times in which we are at loggerheads against each other which is during DOTA, you are quite a good person to work with from my experience in PW. Thanks for all the treats :p
To Joel, marist are weird people, and its true about joel. Your small boyish look, high and sqeaky voice and that ever unpredictable PMSing attitude never fails to make people laugh, be it at your actions or your attitude. Thanks for those time which you influenced me to train harder and exercise more, for your strong will power and mental discipline towards trainning simply amazes me.
To Salimah, thanks for all the times you lend me your notes and stuffs, and also being my malay dictionary !!!
To Andrew, actually i realised that i hardly talk to you nowadays, used to talk about games and stuffs. Thanks for your role as a PCC and for the time you spent helping us in our grad cert.
Finally to Min Hui, though you are very noisy and irritating at times and often kiam pah. I really do enjoy your presence and smiles. You've made a difference in my life and i will always remember you. Hope to keep in touch.
Throughout this 2 years in CJC, old bonds are strengthened, new bonds are formed. Though various activities like Project Nemo and Chingay, i have made a few new friends like Nurul, Siti, Alkhaff, Hisham, Don liew and Daryl and have a deeper understanding of Wai Cheung and Mdm Hanisah. Not forgetting other good friends i've made along the way like Chirst ( black ), Chris ( J2 Volleyballer ) ...
By noon tmr 5th Oct 2007, my life will change...