Wednesday, May 30, 2007 ( 7:23 PM )
Well, holiday has arrived. I mean supposedly. Life haven't change much, its still going back to school almost everyday.
Monday went back for physics spa. Skill A. Need to remeber so many things for this spa. I hate skill A, always need to plan for the whole experiment when i dunno what the question want me to plan also. Just remember wholesale and chunk it in, i know it kind of defeat the purpose but hey, i got no other choice.
Played tennis in the afternoon with Joseph and Gabriel. Its fun and crazy playing with both of them. I bought 3 balls and within 1 hour all 3 flew out of court !!! Man, the design of the tennis court sucks. But guess what after that i ask the security guard to open a side gate to get my balls back and poof now i got 5 tennis balls. Of which 2 are wilson balls. They are nice to play with, more bounce and more predictability.
Me being a typical legend, legended while playing tennis. I ran across the court, JUMPED !!! and hit the ball back to joseph in the cross court direction. ( NO BODY IN HIS RIGHT MIND WILL JUMP AND HIT A TENNIS BALL WITH ALL HIS MIGHT, but thats what i did ) I fell and skidded on the hard ground for about 1m or so. I tried to breakfall with my left hand but my shoe aint got any grip, so woops, injuired my left palm, badly scratch by left knee and injuired by left toe! Leaving me Al-right !!! ( It might take a while for this joke to sink in ) Haha.
Tuesday, went for chem spa in PE attire and sandals and a bandge over my left knee cap. Man, climbing up and down stairs have never been so much of a hassle and pain for me. Chem spa by itself was crazy enough, just use your hands and your brain. Just do your experiment and write out all the evaluations which you remembered. its like WOW. After that is a 3 hour break before physics tutorial.
Went to Sim Lim Square with Joseph, Gabriel and Weiji. I bought a 80gb harddisk and a new keyboard for my laptop so i can play O2jam. Actually i think not for me, but rather for those people who come to my house and play O2jam. Haha, they panic and then SPAM my keyboard HARD. Not talking about you joseph. Haha, got other people also. After going back to school then i realise that i forget to buy something important, a 2.5inch casing for my another hardisk !!! Craps. Luckily computer fair is just round the corner. Phew...
I had a hell out of a day this morning. I was supposed to go for physics lecture but i had a bad headache. So bad that i fell out of my bed!!! Not literally. But yeah you got the idea how bad it was. When i woke up again in the late morning i was much better and headed back to school for chemistry lessons. It was a long lecture follow by a long tutorial. Lols, i'm starting to doze off already.
During chem lesson Mr Yee's class finish very fast so he came over to our class and told Ms Tan that T33 is missing then blah blah complain about what number of people here and there. Then Ms Daphane Tan suddenly let us in on something about Mr Yee... MR YEE ALWAYS COMPLAIN IN THE STAFFROOM !!! Haha. Then in return we told her that MR YEE ALWAYS GOSSIPS !!! Haha. Lols, it was funny cause Mr Yee keep trying to deny complaining and gossiping saying things like people tell him things. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man, i will be soooooooo dead if Mr Yee reads about this. So Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! Haha.
Sunday, May 27, 2007 ( 2:57 AM )
Gp, its a test where i can express it in two simple words; Screwed up. Thats what i think. 3 points for essay only and i doubt i answered the question correctly. Paper 2 was not any better, the summary was hard and i expect 2 passages which turns out that i am wrong. AQ was also "good game". I just pray i get a E can already.
After gp was out to toa payoh to makan KFC again, and then to paradiz centre to play dota. The stupid and funny thing is that most of us bring our class tee, so in the end we all look like we came from school and kenna barred from a few lan shops. In the end we settled on one, played 2 games in total 5v5 and 4v4. Well, i shan't comment much on the game. Both are 1 sided game. After that i kenna trashed by Tim in C&C. Haha.
Saturday was great. Yeah right ! Iit was actually quite okay lah, not great not bad. Actually it was quite bad, after 10pm a few things start to go wrong. But nvm, that few things which went wrong are for me to know and for you to find out. Went to Swarmi to help out in the afternoon, supprised to see only 4 other classmates there only, namely Xiuting, Andrew, Weiji and PS. We help the old folks on their trip out to the coffee shop and jalan jalan, push them around i mean. After that was back in swarmi playing cards till about 5.45 where fook ( sry dude dunno his name ) drove us there.
The night at orchid country club was how to say, unexpected? Dunno lah, the atmosphere was just different from any which i have been to, but hey, who cares, enjoy yourself can already. The food was so good that isaac had to go for second serving. Haha. We left at about 11pm and then i went to bpp to buy supper and jalan jalan again. They are having midnight sale and had some performance. All in all, it was saturday is a day where i had memories both good and bad.
把该解决的解决掉 把不该解决的也解决掉
Thursday, May 24, 2007 ( 11:30 PM )
Well, Econs is disastrous. I can't really remember much and i didn't study JC1 topic, hope i still can pass by crapping my way though throwing smoke bombs here and there. Die lah.
Went to eat Pizza at Toa Payoh again ! Thats like the 2nd time in a week. This time round went with Wai Cheung, Sameul, Yao Zhong and a girl, whom i dunno her name but nvm. I ordered that dunno what chicken thingy to eat. Guess what the 5 of us, finished 2.5 bottles of Cheese !!! We spammed them on our food and pizza and coke and even our chicken soup!!! This is what happened to my food after kenna spammed!!!
Tmr GP, well the best way to prepare for it? Sit back, relax and enjoy. Watch a movie and sleep early the day before. Haha.
( 12:08 AM )
I'm sorry if i have been insensitive in my choice of words or acting dao yesterday and today and perhaps the next few days. I have been in a kind of temperamental, explosive mood recently. I need to think some things over. Especially after what i did to Mrs Tan, i mean during the 1 hour i spent under the hut reflecting, i realise that i have much more things to reflect on and to do some soul-searching.
{/Music's up
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 ( 1:04 AM )
Okay this is the the super cheapo, temporary way of putting up music on my blog. Wait till i have time to do a better job.
{/Not everyday's a sunday
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 ( 11:52 PM )
Well i did something which went horribly wrong this afternoon after chem spa, which almost cause me to get suspended and barred from my gp exam!!! It was supposed to be funny but then somehow or rather it didn't got through the way i expect it to be. I meant its still funny and that the whole 2t27 laughed but then Mrs Sandra Tan was super pissed with me for disrupting her lessons. I merely just mimic her typical accent of AHHHHHHHHHHHH ( she went AHHHHHHH at first, so i just mimic unknowing that i was very loud ), and woah i didn't really expect her to blow, threatening me with barring me from entering gp exam and stuff.
In the end i was made to sit and reflect for 1 hour outside 2t27 in the hut near the pond. 1 hour! Man i just literally wasted 1 hour for nothing. Haha. She seemed to be quite calm after that 1 hour, so she just talk nicely to me. Thinking back it was still quite funny also. Haha, then some people like Nurul have to rub salt on my wound say i should be condemed to the sun and not the small hut under the sun !!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Its just a little bit of me be in me.
{/Night study
( 1:10 AM )
Well 1 word to sum up all of today's night study. Disastrous. Haha. Quite unproductive until the last 1.5 hours or so. Wasted 1 hour doing IJC AQ, the AQ is very disgusting and horrible.
Man, i never felt so full for sooooo long. Ate Pizza Hut student meal which have a personal pan pizza, mushroom soup and added extra garlic bread, then immediately after that go KFC share buddy meal with Isaac, eating 2 piece of chicken, medium colestraw and small pepsi. After that still not full and bought cheese fries and small pepsi again. Woah that meal was great and i am still full till now, though suprisingly i'm not bloated. Haha. The sad thing, i burnt a big hole in my wallet. Almost half of my weekly allowance is gone into 1 meal !!!
I tried adding music to it but i dun like the players from radio blog club, acid planet and iwebmusic. Still finding someother place to host or players for music. Give me some suggestions, anyone?
Sunday, May 20, 2007 ( 9:46 AM )
I changed my skin cause some of you complained that you could not access my blog, due to some problems with the old skin. I'll debug it when i have the time, probably after gp, but till then this will be my new blogskin. Enjoy.
{/Sports Carnival 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007 ( 11:58 PM )
Morning, was a trip to the nearby KAP for breakfast with Linton and Aaron. Guess what, i met Andrew there also, he was ta-paoing for Weiji who came late ( as usual ? Haha ). In the end Andrew and I waited for Weiji while Linton and Aaron proceed to CCAB first. Oh yeah, and on the way there i met Nurul and Von.
When we reach we were late, slighly late by a couple of minutes all thanks to Weiji. Haha, but hey guess what, as i know the place quite well, we ran in through the car park so we weren't caught.
First up was the track events from 7.50 to 9.20am. It was very exciting especially the event where teachers ran. Mr Leong was damn sad case, he tripped and fell and rolled over 2 times in a space of 80 meters ONLY !!! Many other teacher ran too, like Mr Vincent Chong, Mr Lim Chye Fook..... Ohh and congratulations to Fang Hui who came in 2nd for the 800m race.
After that was games. We played netball, softball and frisbee. Well, we came in 2nd for netball winning 15-4 against T16 in the semis and lost 16-4 to T33 in the finals. Man, they should ban netballers from playing net ball. The T33 goal scorer is from netball and her accuracy rate is almost 100% !!! Haha, but still it was a nice game. As for soft ball we qualified for the semi and got knocked out. Man they should have 3rd and 4th placing game, so at least we know where we stand, but from the points we accumulated, we got 3rd if i am not wrong, but hey we got no medals. As for frisbee i got no idea where are we too.
After that we went to Wisma to have lunch and played Pool at lucky plaza. 12 person to 1 table, lols, its kind of super budget. But hey we still had fun haven't we. Especially the match between Pee Sheng and Jasmine. It was practically laughing non-stop as Pee Sheng keep giving Jasmine chance and Jasmine in the end keep shooting the cueball into the pockets!!! Haha. At the arcade, there was this guy who spent like $30 plus bucks slotting coins into the coin machine ( dunno what you call that ) and collecting a lot of tokens. The way they play its like kind of crazy, just keep changing coins after coins, i think they could have bought the items they want and still have change as compared to collecting tokens and change for items.
We chiong down to Chinatown after playing at the arcade, cause Joseph want to buy some Korean VCD. After making us walk round and round and round, joseph did not buy the vcd in the end cause he say its too expensive. Its like WTH lah. Haha. Pee Sheng and Shu Ming on the other hand are having fun smsing people on the phone, disturbing a girl if i am not wrong. When you read what they sms her, you will laugh till you drop. Just when Pee Sheng, Shu Ming, Jasmine, Weiji and I want to go to CCK, cause chinatown is boring, and Joseph gave up on buying his vcd, Pei Qi and Min Hui dragged Joseph to go shopping at OG !!! Haizzzzzzz, we end up at the toy department talking rubbish as Jasmine and Pei Qi were high on puppets. Then that Pee Sheng thought of buying a puppet for Shelby so that she have something to talk to. Haha. We sat there for quite long while waiting for Joseph and Min Hui who dunno disappear untill where. And the worst thing while waiting for them, Jasmine was whinning cause she's tired and wants to go to the loo. Haha. You must see Shu Ming's face and reaction when Jasmine whines, Haha.
A picture paints a thousand words....
Look Here
Look at Isaac and Tim
2T15 2007
{/Stress ! What a word
Thursday, May 17, 2007 ( 10:41 PM )
Lol i still rmb this morning the question by Hanisah on what i eat for supper. Well its true i eat chocolate bars and a big cup of fresh milk. I have been doing that since i was young and hey i still to GAIN 8KG to be acceptable weight !!! Man, i'm desperate ( on second thought, i'm not that desperate, but would try my best to gain some weight like eating western food every other day. If only Pee Sheng could transfer me some of his fats then things would be much better for both of us ) Haha.
Well i doubt i will have the time to post about the saga on shelby anytime soon, since mid years are just round the corner. By the time mid years is over, i would have forgot some part of it. Haha. And gosh i haven started studying for my mid years yet. Not even econs and GP !
Hmm, i'm just noticing something, more people and more people are crying !!! I guess the huge amount of pressure and stress we jc2 are in, are starting to suffocating some of us. Lets see, in a span of like 1-2 months, i witnessed a few people crying and i heard others who have cried too. First was min hui who cried in class. Shan't comment on it, later kenna kp from her again. Next was kevin who shed a tear or two at ccab after our volleyball match against PJC ( i won't say cry lah, dosen't sound nice. nan zi han, da zhang fu, liu xue bu, liu lei ) Then recently like 2 days ago, Lynette cried. Well, she was really pissed off and under tremendous stress caused by Shelby whos actions threaten to destory everything lynette built with her own hands since last year, our class unity especially. She's a good HTC i must say, and people do have limits no matter how tolerant they are. The most recent one was Jessica. The reason, till now i don't know. I just know that she walk into the class hiding her face in a white jacket and crying. She dun want to tell anybody what happened.
Its not that people should not cry. If you find crying's a good way to release all your stress and pressure which had been builted up inside you, then by all means let your tears flow. As long as you are happy and up and running after that, its fine.
I just remembered i used to eat all my stress away. Man, that feeling's is so great. Just imagine, chocolates, ice creams, burgers, fried mars bars .......
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 ( 11:39 PM )
Stay tuned for an indept analysis on Shelby's saga !!!
{/Operation Whitewash
Monday, May 14, 2007 ( 8:01 PM )
Okay it sounds abit very ang moh. But i just happen to think of the word whitewash. Dunno what it means also. But yeah this operation have been in our drawing board for a few days already. After much consideration and serious analytical planning, we decided today would be a day to proceed on as planned. Well not bad, 25% complete, i think by tomorrow it should be 100% complete due to the unexpected events which speed up our process. I should not say more about it till our operation is 100% complete.
Enough of that operation, well a big commotion happened today. Who else can cause so much trouble? Needless to say, its that Shelby again. Man, i wonder when then could she stop being so naive and grow up. Or rather some would prefer her in the Institute of Mental Health. Nobody owes you anything, dun she get it. If ppl say no then NO, dun argue with people so that you can have things your way. I wonder which part of the NO she dun understand the N or the O? She was yacking and yacking and yacking away in econs tutorial that Lynette had to ask her to shut up for like 10 times?? 11 times?? Oh yeah and she pao-tou Joseph, Gerald and Joel who ponned econs lecture. When i try to cover up for them she tell the teacher to sack me !!! WTF!!! And oh, she called Pei Qi a bitch, insulted Vince and Jacq for being in a single parent family.............
Let see, whos directly affected in today's conflict, Joseph, Joel, Gerald, Pei Qi, Jacq, Sue Maine, Jasmine, Vince, Lynette. Whos indirectly affect by her actions today, Min Hui, Pee Sheng, Shu Ming, Gabriel, Salimah, Me..... ( practically the rest of the class ) Even Mr Chan had to ask her to shut up during Gp tutorials for being disruptive.
Look at how 1 person's selfish actions can lead to the destruction to 22 other people's day. Think over it...
{/Happy Mother's Day
Sunday, May 13, 2007 ( 3:00 PM )
I have nothing much to blog about this week, except being bugged by XT to blog again. Sian 1/2. The only uneventful thing that happen this week was that the ODACers shift away and that Shelby free radical attack and poof, ( Some smokes pls ), she's sitting 2 tables away from me again. I dun mind, if she stop doing all the irritating stuffs like making personal comments which is like SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR irrelevent. And every now and then, she thinks that what she does is funny as a matter of fact its not even funny at all. Also, she keep bringing JEUS and Harry Potter into every context during class discussion. Its like WTF, i got a Mental Patient sitting 2 sits away from me. I keep telling myself we should give people a chance but she haven't change a single bit since last year, and the worst is that she is getting from bad to worst. Haizzzzzzz................... I'll try what Jacq told me first, to dao her completely. If i still can't i gonna shift my table.
Okay i'm still struggling to cope with this new found freedom. Imagine your mondays wednesdays and fridays afternoon being suddenly empty. It feels wierd, as if something's missing and that i'm trying to find some things to do to fill in the empty space. Anybody have any good suggestion?
Congrats to Sue Maine who won the single's singing competition. And PeiQi and Weiji for winning the duo's singing competition.
Saturday was spent doing CIP. Met up in school at 8pm and was paired up with WeiYing and given 2 families to distribute food to. Lucky for us, Jason and Pris happen also been assigned to the same block as us so we decided to go as a group. David decided to join us and meet us at hougang. He was late !!! It was suprising as he stayed at hougang and he was late in meeting us at hougang !!! OMG. Haha. It was good to have him around, as he noticed that the bus we took did not lead us to where we are suppose to go. In the end we found out that we were given wrong bus number to take and worst of all, both our maps are marked incorrectly !!!
On the Mrt after CIP ( tsk my first pic with my phone )
After like 30 minutes of travelling, we finally reached our destination. And our distribution of the hampers started. The food hampers are not really food hampers, just 2 big and heavy bags of food per family like canned food, noodles, biscuit and stuff........ Oh yeah and $30 NTUC vouchers. It feels good to help people. The people who received help are those of a super low income family of about $400 a month. I hope the food we gave them can help make their lives easier at least for the couple of days. When we reached the last house, man invited us into his house to have a sit. He is a rag and bone man whos wife and 2 children are both sick. I dunno how to explain, its like the rich are like soooo rich and the poor are like sooo poor.
Happy Mother's Day
Today's the 2nd sunday of May. And half of today is gone. Spent my whole morning at paragon with my parents, aunt and grandmother celebrating mother's day. Well, i must say the food was nice and they give us a free mother's day cake too !!!
{/Its all over
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ( 6:25 PM )
Okay its been more than a week since i last posted anything. Life's never gonna be the same again. Haha. My season ended, that means no more trainnings !!! Man, my worst weeks are over !!! Gone with the wind.
Wednesay was the JC2's last volleyball trainning. And guess what, we took alot of photos, i mean the girls. They guys we played BASKETBALL !!! Haha, not volleyball as our last day in volleyball. Jason is the MVP, sometimes i wonder if he did join the correct cca in the first place. He did alot of stunts and scored even from very tight angles. After that was our usual outing to Far East Plaza where we ate noodles. I paid $4 in 10 and 20 cents. Lol.
Thursday was another long day which ended at like about 10pm. Reached home about 11pm and i was too tired to think of anything except sleep.
Friday! What a day. After school at 1pm joseph and i chiong to my house to play JX2. It was a lame idea but we got nothing to do anyway. After that chiong back to school by4.45pm just to play handball. Well i must say i sucked at goal tending, after 2 years of not playing street soccer, my goal tending skills have decresed sharply. I even blundered and let in a goal. Although i know i should not give excuses, i want to say that the area of the semicircle is super duper small and its not easy. What happen to stuck me was that my 2 other secondary school classmate, luthfi and shawn lee are both keepers too ! Haha. So coincidental. After that Luthfi and I rushed down to join my other secondary school classmates for reunion at jason's house.
Wednesay was the JC2's last volleyball trainning. And guess what, we took alot of photos, i mean the girls. They guys we played BASKETBALL !!! Haha, not volleyball as our last day in volleyball. Jason is the MVP, sometimes i wonder if he did join the correct cca in the first place. He did alot of stunts and scored even from very tight angles. After that was our usual outing to Far East Plaza where we ate noodles. I paid $4 in 10 and 20 cents. Lol.
Thursday was another long day which ended at like about 10pm. Reached home about 11pm and i was too tired to think of anything except sleep.
Friday! What a day. After school at 1pm joseph and i chiong to my house to play JX2. It was a lame idea but we got nothing to do anyway. After that chiong back to school by4.45pm just to play handball. Well i must say i sucked at goal tending, after 2 years of not playing street soccer, my goal tending skills have decresed sharply. I even blundered and let in a goal. Although i know i should not give excuses, i want to say that the area of the semicircle is super duper small and its not easy. What happen to stuck me was that my 2 other secondary school classmate, luthfi and shawn lee are both keepers too ! Haha. So coincidental. After that Luthfi and I rushed down to join my other secondary school classmates for reunion at jason's house.
Jason shifted house again, from his bungalow off 6 avenue comprising 3 stories to an appartment at Orang Grove Road, which is just beside Forum Shopping Centre at orchand road!!! Freaking rich kid. Upon arrival i play xbox360 with Shawn. Our boxing game took us a whooping 9 rounds before i got knocked out !!! When other people's matches stretch to a maxium of 3 rounds only. Haha. Pizza was what we had for dinner. We ordered 12 boxes of large canadian pizzas of all flavours. Our secondary school teachers came too; Chem: Mr Kwang, Eng: Mrs Ho and Phy: Mr Sim. All of us practically sat at the living room and chatting, catching up and reminiscing on the good old times.
After that we watched You Me & Dupree till the wee hours of the morning. Thereafterwas playing UEFA chapions league on jason's xbox again. Haha. Guess what i pawned Linton and Johnathan and won Jason also! After that was some shooting game till about 7am where i start to sleep, only to wake up at 9am when everybody went out to eat breakfast. That 2 hours seems very refreshing and i'm up and running again after that. After breakfast i went home with Lian Fei and Pixiang. Looking forward to the next gathering...
I wonder whats wrong with my parents on Friday. They suddenly bought me a phone which they do not want to buy for me for weeks. Then they brought me to make a new pair of specs. Wonder what's got over them ???
Look at pixiang making his hair, Tushar showing his hairy body
{/Happy Birthday Gan
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 ( 10:47 PM )
First you must be thinking what happened to that earlier post. I think that it was quite insensitive for me to put up the earlier post given that we should go through the highs and low of the team together. After all, we're still a team and so i decided to take it down.
After that morale draining, gloomy faced match against PJC which we lost miserbly 2 sets to 0. Kevin cried. I felt that the team owed him alot, he put in alot of effort here and there, everywhere and he got nothing at the end.
After that match i rushed down to Bugis to join my classmates to celebrate Pee Sheng's Birthday. Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEESH. You have aged by 1 more year !!! haha. All the best for your future endeavors and may your wishes come true. Well, he treated us to steam boat at a shop near bugis. Cool shit and thanks alot. Haha. Then on tuesday May Day which is actual birthday, we met up at orchard in the morning and ate breakfast and played Dota and CS with him till about lunch. I left around 3 pm while the others carry on eating and playing pool till about 8-9pm.