{/Week in a Glance
Thursday, March 29, 2007 ( 11:39 PM )
Due to time constrain i will keep things short. Well, for this 2 weeks, 3 chinese from china have come all the way to join us for their immersion trip program. They are namely mike, albert and amy. Welcome to Singapore.
Monday there was NS medical checkup. I left school at 10am skipping Mass Pe, Break and GP tutorial. I pity those people as Mass Pe. They are suffering like hell while i'm happily enjoing Mac's breakfast with Linton at Lido. Haha. Sad sia. Lol. Anyway i went to heeren to shop for a pair of slippers. Some shithead stole my sandals !!! Anyway i was lucky to find to rip curl sandals for only $13. Nice, cool and cheap. Went all the way to Bukit Merah after that for the checkup. The check up was quite long as it comprises of 7-8 stations. Its like a full body checkup checking everything; backbone, blood, eyesight, hearing, blood pressure... $@#* they took 3 test tubes full of blood from me when they only take 1 test tube full from the others !!!! Some stations require you to take off your clothes while 1 station even requires you to take off your pants and underwear and cough !!! Haha. Oh yeah i got Pes D temporarily for 1 month. Haha. Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D Pes D ......
Tuesday went with Tim, isaac, gerald, peesheng, xiuting and andrew to watch TMNT. We were suppose to run into the cineplex showing 300 but that stupid usher keep looking at us. Anyway TMNT is not that bad either.
Wednesday. I sprained my leg during break while playing basketball. Its damn stupid lah, imagine just playing for fun only then come injuired your leg. Walao, i'm feeling damn stupid right now. After school there was the science camp exhibition which we had to do the rocket thingy. Sianzzzz, practically stonned there. Well went to watch 300 with Joseph and Pee Sheng after that at Bukit Batok. Woot. Haha they person did not even ask for our IC's when we buy the ticket and the usher let us in without any questions !!! Its a nice movie but i dunno why Joseph say its not nice.
Thursday. It was madness rush for me today. Only reached home at 10.40pm. Haha. I guess my thursdays will never be the same again.
{/Farewell Ms Smith
Saturday, March 24, 2007 ( 10:48 PM )
Well, i've been very lazy to blog these few days. I dunno why, the moment i'm home, i will be destressing on jx2 till i go to sleep at about 10pm which is like super early for me. I usually sleep after 12am. Well, it a super buzy week for me both mentally and physically. Physically i was dead beat. I was aching like mad this whole week. Monday and Wednesday Mass PE. Trainnings on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Swimming on Tuesday. LOL, thats the 2nd time i exercise everyday. The first was running 2.4km everyday. ARGH, as i'm typing now i'm still aching like nuts.
I haven't been me for a long time. And i just found me old me back. I feel refreshed all over again. Na De Qi Fang De Xia. I understand it all over again. I won't let others do affect me again. Okay i shall stop randoming.
Friday is a day i have been looking forward to. But when it came i felt very stressed. I have to be at 3 locations at 1 point in time, how can that happen ??? 3 important things happening at the same time. First up was CJC Alfresco, in which my class set up a stall. Its important cause its my class. Next up was Ms Smith farewell dinner. Its something i cannot miss, given the fact that she is my ex PE teacher and also my volleyball teacher-in-charge. She is going to class 95 to be a Dee Jay. Third was SJI NCC night walk. I missed my old school and my part mates and i want to have a look at my juniors. How can i be at 3 places at the same time? I was very bugged.
I haven't been me for a long time. And i just found me old me back. I feel refreshed all over again. Na De Qi Fang De Xia. I understand it all over again. I won't let others do affect me again. Okay i shall stop randoming.
Friday is a day i have been looking forward to. But when it came i felt very stressed. I have to be at 3 locations at 1 point in time, how can that happen ??? 3 important things happening at the same time. First up was CJC Alfresco, in which my class set up a stall. Its important cause its my class. Next up was Ms Smith farewell dinner. Its something i cannot miss, given the fact that she is my ex PE teacher and also my volleyball teacher-in-charge. She is going to class 95 to be a Dee Jay. Third was SJI NCC night walk. I missed my old school and my part mates and i want to have a look at my juniors. How can i be at 3 places at the same time? I was very bugged.
Hong Chin
Well, everything came in nicely on firday. I helped the class to set up the store on friday after trainning. After that i went over to Ms Smith's farewell which luckily have been changed from Newton foodcourt to School !!! Whee. The atmosphere was very emotionally charged. It was held at her hangout, the girl's volleyball court. We all sat in a circle and ate the pizzas she ordered. At first it was all jokes and laughter, as times goes by, it starts to become solem, by the time all of us finish eating, and Ms Smith start to give her farewell speeach, she was all tears. I'll never forget her last speech. "Words can make or break a man, but the most important is that do not let these words affect you". She said something else which was really quite inspirational and also comforting. After that kevin and joyce gave a speech on behalf of the volleyball team and she was presented with a card with all our well wishes, a mug with our photos on it and an ice-cream pancake. We'll miss you, Ms Smith. Do come back and cheer for us in our competition.
Ms Smith farewell speech
Ms Smith posing with the ice-cream waffles
A final goodbye
After that was back to my class booth to help out. I began shouting and shouting and asking people to buy. Well i was not bad, managed to grab some volleyballers to buy. Haha. By the end of it i'm hoarse. We decided to donate 100% of our profit to CJC which is $3 !!! Yup we are glad we earned a profit of 3 bucks. Its true. Well, in the end we were left with 2 tubs of pancake mixture and the best part we also left a huge tub of chocolate ice-cream left! Well, to celebrate our success of break even, all of us conquer the big tub of ice-cream and we did it. It was all fun and laughter at the end of the day.
Timotity and Jessica
Isaac and Sue Maine
A tUb Of ChOcOlAtE iCe-CrEaM !!!
And for the last part, thanks god due to the rain, the night walk was postponed from 7pm to 9pm, and i quickly rush down just in time for the night walk. Our route was from SJI to bugis then to Old SJI. Throughout the whole walk, Kendrick and I lead the way and talked about many stuffs like old times and all. He mentioned somthing which i thought was very true. A simple phrase and it says alot. "Got girl no friend " Haha. As it was getting late, we stopped at Sim Lim Square at about 11.30pm. Our teacher decided to stop and proceed back to school by bus after buying supper at Macs. After that Kendrick and I and took a bus back home as he was very tired and i decided to follow suit. I was supposed to stay over but heck lah, i'd rather go home with my neighbour. By the time i reached home it was well past 12am and suprisingly no one knew i was back at home untill this morning !!! Haha. OMG. It was very funny to see their expression on their face. I didn't take any pics as my camera batt went out. Will upload when i receive from my juniors.
A photo can say a thousand things, But it can't say the million things I wanna say, A photo can capture the way we were, But it can't capture the way we are
{/"The pursuit of happyness"
Saturday, March 17, 2007 ( 2:17 PM )
Friday is like a super long day for me. Well, woke up early and meet up with the other volleyballers at 9am at bishan. Then we headed to RJC. This Weilong, lead us to RI. Haha. Well at RJC guess who i met there !?!?! LEONARD !!!! Pee Sheng, i met your gay partner. Haha. Jkjk, he was my sec school classmate as well. Was very suprised to see him there. He was mugging in school !!! Come on, its holiday dude.
At the RJC indoor court, the guys train by ourselves while the girls play a match with the RJC team. Well, not quite sure about the score though. But anyway for trainning yesterday, it was tiring as we trainned non stop for like 4 hours. Everybody was dead beat but this time round we are getting better at our formations. The formation playing is super tiring, keep having short sprints to run to your own postition.
After that went to have lunch and walk around junction 8 with christ as he want to go buy a new wallet. In the end he bought a final fantasy one from comic connection. Not bad, it was only 19 bucks. After that i rushed home, actually i just hope that i do not see Shelby there. Haha.
Then when i reach home, my brother come up with this crazy idea of watching mid night movie !!! And the worst thing, my parents agreed !!! Oh gosh, in the end went to vivocity to watch "The pursuit of happyness". Its spelt with a Y not an I for your info if you wondering if there is something wrong with it. Well the movie starts at 12.05am but after all the commericals and all it started at 12.30am!!! Oh yeah my brother bought a tin can full of popcorns. Not the normal paper bag one, its a TIN CAN !!!
It was a real life story about how this guy named christ beating all odds with everything against him to achieve happiness. It was a very touching movie about his path of life to bring happiness to his son whom he take cares off. He had no idea who his dad is, so he's going to take care of this son no matter what. His wife left him as he could not bring the bread home after struggling with him for quite a long period of time. He owes people money here and there, got kicked out of his house and even got jailed cause he could not pay parking fines. He even spent 1 night with his son in a toilet at the train station. Thats how far he goes to try to make his son happy even though he is pennyless. In the end he managed to get a job as a broker and that was after a madness struggle of 6 months in which everything was against him. It would break down any man but he stood up and firmly belief in this dream of happiness. In the end he was a rich guy able to support his own family and recently he had his own company.
Guys, if you haven had a movie with your parents for a long long time, this is a good show to watch with your parents. It really nice show. You will get what i mean after you watch it.
{/Science Camp
Thursday, March 15, 2007 ( 10:29 AM )
I realised that i haven blogged in a while but again, 6 days isn't really that long.
Saturday was a day spent at NTU and NUS. Went with Shin to NTU in the morning for an econs talk. And i was suprised that CJC only sent like 20+ 30 ppl there, when other schools like SA, HC, RJ sent like 50+ 60 ppl. Well, the talk was joinly held by NTU and MOE regarding the pricing policies in Singapore. Well, i was partially sleeping as usual in most seminars so needless to say i'm also half asleep. But at least i am listening!!!
Then afternoon was spent going home and all the way to NUS. That stupid pair of Aaron and Linton psed me. First Linton gave me wrong directions to NUS. Then when i am finally at NUS he took the bus and act smart say can stop somewhere else, in the end, end up somewhere else. Lol. Haha. It was damn funny. Thanks this Linton's blunder, i went to walked around the NUS alone. Well, the exhibition hall is full of people i must say. Quite packed.
I spent the night at Suntec City for the IT show with my parents. Some computer exhibition. Lol, walked walked and walked. Well, there isn't any thing new this year in the computer arena thus the exhibition was quite boring. Except that now the prices of computer and laptops are cheaper thats all, no new gadgets. Oh yeah talking about gadgets, 200 sets of PS3 were sold in Singpaore. Other than that, well theres nothing much actually. My dad was weird again, asking whether i want a xbox360? Lol, he have been asking whether i want a xbox since a few years back and my answer has always been no. Lol, i think he feels that he need to buy something at the computer fair somehow. In the end he bought a 1gb sd card, for the fun of it i suppose.
Sunday, gosh i forgot what happened. Oh yeah, joseph came over to my house to stay to help fix the water rocket for the science camp. We started at about 11pm and ended at about 4.30am. Melting plastic, and stuffs. Lol, it stinks. At 3am we went down to the Mac's at bukit panjang only to find it close !!! WTH. Stupid lah, bought things at 7-11 instead.
Monday and Tuesday was spent at the science camp in school. Pee Sheng was damn smart, he just brought himself and his handphone and wallet to camp !!! Cool shit. Well, our bridge and rockets are not bad. The bridge can hold a weight of 14kg and the rocket flew 60m. Okay lah. For second day also do rocket. Damn sian. Somemore still got movie till like 12.30am. In the end we took turns to do the rocket. Joseph and I did the first shift by fixing the rocket body and fins. Then PS and weiji took the second shift by fixing the parachute. Its damn sian, the parachute dun open. Wth.......... Glad that is over in 2 days.
Oh yeah that stupid vince. Basket. I clear everything until got 1 space on the table for me to sleep. Then i go out for a while, come back and see VINCE sleeping at my place !!!! ARGH!!! Haha. Stupid shit. In the end i have to squeeze him to one side and that leaves me with 3 tables to sleep on. Then he keep twisting and turning at night, and i keep waking up the whole night cause of him. Wa lao. Well, it wasn't much of a sleep anyway, sleeping only for about 4 hours.
Lol its kind of messy, but anyway the camp its soooooooooooooooooooo boring. Yeah boring. I was super duper bored. Thats what i got to say. Anyway played lan after that with weiji, ps and joseph. I was quite sucky with ar. So yeah, i got pawned again. With ap, i'm not so bad, managed to kill them. Well, computer games are definatedly not my cup of tea. I'd rather open up and take out every parts of a computer. And so be it.
{/Last week of term one
Friday, March 09, 2007 ( 11:11 PM )
Well, these few days really flew past very fast. I can't remember much excepting that i have been sleeping very early this week. The earliest was 8pm on wednesday i think. Well, i only remember that on wednesday i borrowed ankel weights from joel. They are light when strapped to my foot, as they only weight 2kg each. Lol, it felt like nothing. But i guess i wore it too long on thurs, I wore it the whole day. And that cause my leg to hurt alot.
For volleyball trainning this week, i was injuired. My index finger swell to about 1.3 times it size and it still hurts. My right leg got 2 battle marks too. The very long injuiry was during wednesday trainning when i skidded not knowing that i do not have knee pads. Haha. The the second injury happened today. I forget we are not trainning in the indoor court and my instinct cause me to dive which i injuired my knee, my butt and my hand. It still hurts alot now.
There is this rock band concert today to mark the end of the first 3 months. But well, suddenly joseph and ps dun want to go although they bought the tickets. So needless to say i didn't go for it also. In the end Joseph, Pee Sheng, Weiji, Gabriel and I went over to my condo to play table tennis till 11pm. Haha. Just finished playing not long ago.
Well the only result i got back from the Common Test was Physics. I have gotten 72 marks. My feeling.... Not happy not sad. Suprisingly, since my last year promos mark was only 63. Why nobody belief that i did not study !?!?!?! I got prove that i went to watch the movie Norbit at Bukit Batok the day before. Haizzzz, whats wrong with the world. Why is it so hard for people to trust one another????
Okay there is some moe econs talk at ntu tmr morning. Sian there goes my saturday. And i that leaves me with no time for computer fair !!!
People are all the same, And we only get judged by what we do, Personality reflects name
{/Class BBQ
Monday, March 05, 2007 ( 10:18 PM )

Well, today was sunday. Went to Pee Sheng's house the first thing in the morning. Suppose to reach at 9am but i woke up at 9am. By the time i reach his house it was 11am. Haha, both of us were up till 2am the night b4. And that xiuting keep bugging us in msn that we decided to nudge her at the same time. Haha. It was fun. Well, Pee Sheng wanted to fix his computer. Its very laggy.
Well when i check his com, his computer was like one of the ancient ones. The graphic card is so old that it does not have a fan on it !!! The ram was also only 256mb. Haha. Went from his house all the way to Sim Lim after that. Help him grab a new graphic card and ram. Now at least his com is much better.
We went to career fair after that. And pls it was a total waste of time. There are so little booth about education. Most of the universities are from europe and australia, but they are those quite unheard of type. NTU and SIM were the only 2 spore univerisites there. NUS and SMU didn't bother about having a booth there at all !!! After that Pee Sheng and I stonned at Suntec for like hours !!!
Went to Bishan after that to buy stuff, only to realise that the Cold Storage has been changed to NTUC. LOL then we decide to buy our drinks there and then proceed to amk to meet joel. To go tim's house.
Well when i check his com, his computer was like one of the ancient ones. The graphic card is so old that it does not have a fan on it !!! The ram was also only 256mb. Haha. Went from his house all the way to Sim Lim after that. Help him grab a new graphic card and ram. Now at least his com is much better.
We went to career fair after that. And pls it was a total waste of time. There are so little booth about education. Most of the universities are from europe and australia, but they are those quite unheard of type. NTU and SIM were the only 2 spore univerisites there. NUS and SMU didn't bother about having a booth there at all !!! After that Pee Sheng and I stonned at Suntec for like hours !!!
Went to Bishan after that to buy stuff, only to realise that the Cold Storage has been changed to NTUC. LOL then we decide to buy our drinks there and then proceed to amk to meet joel. To go tim's house.

At tim's house, we start preparing the fire and the desert. The desert like rojak like that, i really dunno what is inside there. There seemed to be longans, chinhow, nata de coco......... Lol it would have been a cocktail if there are just come alcohol in it. Then the starting of fire is funny. Haha. Put the carcoal on the stove first then transfer to the portable bbq. Lynette, Min Hui, Isaac, Tim and I keep taking turns to blow the fire till it starts to burn. LOL. Blow and blow and blow. Then when we start to bbq, we realise that the fire is too big !!! Haha. But anyway the bbq was fun, there were hotdogs, satay and chicken wings. Oh yeah and bee hoon too.

Did a lot of things like playing basket ball and talking rubbish and stuff. Also played pool and majong. I'm very noob, so go where kenna pawned until where. Okay lah not so bad at pool lah. I managed to win Isaac, but that was tyco. I was supprised that Pei Qi can play so well, supprised at Shelby who is okay lah at pool. And i was laughing at Min Hui who never play pool for very long. Haha, shan't commet too much, i'm not very good either. Got pawned when playing against both Pq and Mh. I want a rematch!!! Haha.
Wa piang eh that Pee Sheng ar really go where sleep till where. By the time i leave tim's house it was like 10pm. 4 hours since my parents wanted me to go home. Haha. 4 hours !!! I'm suppose to go home at 6pm. By the time i reach home it was about 11.30pm. Woah, luckily my parents didn't say anything.

Isaac pretending to help bbq
Look at salimah's ghost rider face !!!
Isaac and Jasmine
I hope you have the time of your life
{/Of Depression and Balls
Saturday, March 03, 2007 ( 7:46 PM )
Well, chem paper ar. Sianz. I hope won't die lah. I didn't study for chemical equlibra and reaction kinetics. Joseph lah, suppose to morning call me at 5.30pm then guess what, he smsed me then he himself go and sleep. SMS me lol, how i wake up sia. Haha. I though that, its gonna be like 1 or 2 questions only, in the end it appeared almost everywhere. Then the paper also quite screwed up. 8 qns for 3 hours. 4 qns for section A 1hour and 4 qns for section B 2 hours. Lol.
After that at about 1pm, its collection of A lvl result !!!. Haha. Lol i was so depressing that i got a D. Well, its still a pass. Wheeeeeeeeee...................... Ppl all around me are either getting Crazy's or going Bonkers. Argh its so Depressing. Then that 2 potential student getting A's namely Joseph and Pee Sheng, crap lah they really damn depressed. They don't look depressed but they are. Joseph got a C while Pee Sheng got a B.
Saturday. Well, Pee Sheng and Joseph came over to my house to play table tennis. Gamed for like 1 hour then we very sian liao. Tried things like breaking the glass with ping pong balls. Yeah and i tanked joseph's ulti. Haha. Then played jx2 till about 6pm. That stupid xiuting keep blaming me for stealing volunteers from swarmi, machiam joseph and pee sheng will go like that !!!