{/Time past fast
Tuesday, January 30, 2007 ( 8:42 PM )
Well, trainning on friday was good. We ended early at around 6.45pm as a few of us have to go off earlier. Generally speaking, our trainning was games games and more games. Its to get us used to the rotation system. Also, our last game was very fun indeed. Joyce, split us up into 2 relative even groups for a playoff. And as expected, our score was very tight and my team won on deuce !!! It was fun and intense. The 2 main spikers face off with Kevin and Hong Chin on different teams. So was Wei Long and Me, the two jc2 setters. Well, i could not belief that our points creep up very slowly as very so often our service is over.
After that went back to SJI for the Sec1 orientation campfire. Ate dinner with Vince and Aaron before meeting up with the other Jopsehians. Halfway through without warning, it started to rain heavily and we moved to the hall, where i met up with my sec 4 classmates. It lookes abit funny though, campfire in the hall. Haha, but i guess we still enjoyed ourself. And this Shawn Lee Jia Hong keep looking and commenting on the SJI International girls !!! Haha. Talking about how enthusiatic they are, and he even though of wanting to ask them where to get their Collared SJI Tee. Haha. The old boys then gather in the canteen to cheer but sadly, this year's JC'1's esp those who went to cjc this year didn't join in. Last year, we cheered like nuts in the canteen but this year the JC1's just merely look at us. Hai..... Crisis is eminent, we are losing our bond towards SJI. As the chinese saying goes, the former batch is worst than the previous batch.
Went to Starbucks at wheelock to chat over a cup of coffee. There was only 5 of us namely Pixiang, Shawn, Jason, Afzal and me. We chatted for quite a while as we catch up with what we have missed out. As usual they are freaked out by me as i told them the US market stock price before they could go into the net to check it !!! Haha. Also they were like supprised that i can do pull ups. Haha, they are lagging like 1/2 year liao.
Saturday was spent at Serangoon JC with Joseph, Pee Sheng, Min Hui, Fang Hui..... at Chingay. We practicalled listened and listened and listened. Then thats all !!! Nothing much actually, just go there to do Sudoku !!! Haha, Min Hui still pawned me at Sudoku !!! I need to continue my secret trainning. Btw this comming Sunday, we have to go collect donations and i paired up with Min Hui's Brother !!! Haha, some army guy from armour division.
Monday, what a day. I became a human sand bag by becomming the keeper for handball. I practically tanked most of the damage. This stupid Joseph dunno why keep throwing the balls at me, why only joseph attacking !!! One of his throws almost hit my ****. It was like 1 cm away and my thigh burned like nuts !!! Of the many tries that people throw the balls at the goal, only 2 went in and both were thrown by joseph. He practically take pot shots at me, making over 10 throws at me !!! Crap, injuired my thumb again when i saved one of his shots. Made a finger guard to protect my finger when i got home, but still its swollen and hurts.
Today i wore my finger guard to school, it lookes dumb and attracted ppl's attention. WTH. Anyway there isn't anything much happening in school except that xiuting have a tendency to want to wack my thumb, whenever she saw my finger with the guard. Evil. Went to Polyclinic with Jopseh after school and the doctor laughed at my finger guard too. He said it was good but he just continue laughing, i guess caused it looked very big !!!
I dunno whether its a good news or bad new, but anyway the news is that i am ruled out from sports for 2 weeks given that my thumb is presumely sprained ( best case scenario). If the swelling does not subside then i need to go for x-ray. Actually he wanted to give me MC for today, but after hearing that my cca is volleyball and its tmr, he changed his mind and keep on telling me not to go for trainning !!! What a doctor !?!?!?! 2 weeks is too long for me not to play sports.
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend, Somewhere along in the bitterness, And I would have stayed up with you all night, Had I known how to save a life
{/I update okay?
Thursday, January 25, 2007 ( 7:28 PM )
Well, this past week i have been too lazy and tired to blog. Everyday do homework till about 1am or so. This is madness, i am starting to sleep in class. Luckily got Min Hui and Lynette who keep talking. ( Abit noisy, but thanks, it keep me awake ) Practically this whole week, Joseph, Andrew and I keep talking about JX2. Talked about everything from how to kill to who to kill, to how to lvl up this and that. Thats one whole week talking about JX2.
Lessons are boring as usual. I cannot believe that i slept during the Physics SPA !!! Immediately after i finish drawing and calculating which is about 30 mins. I immediately slept until my friend woke me up.
Trainning on wednesday was okay, ended at around 7.30pm. Played games and learned about the rotation and formation and all. It was like fuzzy logic. But soon it became clear for us and we moved and cordinated better. But the mood was like very sian and all. Everything changes when Jamie joined us for the game. She sort of started to make us laugh, with the cheers. At first it was awkward as we hardly cheered after gaining a point. We also did stupid things like, even when the ball is out, we say its in and cheered !!! HAHA. I must say, it was Jamie who lighten all our hearts that day.
Today i brought my laptop to school, just to play JX2. Lame as it is, but it was carried out. The 3 of us joined war in class, while the rest of the time i was mining and wood cutting. Prataed with Linton after that, and guess what ? We saw Salimah and her boyfriend ( if i am not mistaken ) !!!
Tomorrow is trainning again. Wth, pe and cca same day for wednesday and friday !!! My muscles are like aching like nuts with not time to recover. Tmr trainning i think we are going to play more games, so that we can adapt to the rotation system. Also there is SJI Sec 1 Orientation Campfire tmr and i am not giving it a miss. I can't wait to see my classmates and teacher tmr.
Hail, hail, alma mater, hail to s~j~i, we'll hold your banner high with pride, a shield of green and white, we'll fight to keep our glory bright and never shall we fail, hail to de our alma mater, hail, hail, hail
{/What a Hong Chin
Saturday, January 20, 2007 ( 10:49 PM )
My thumb was much better on friday. Woah, i can write with my right hand again, without struggling. Scribbled many things on my lecture notes like never before. Even though its only 1 day that i cannot write properly, i felt serverly crippled. That one day felt so long, struggling with the writings, and skipping my math FA.
Today's trainning was crazy. After the usual warm ups, we have to pair up with a JC1 and guide them. Its sort of a mutual learning session, and i got Simeon as my partner. Well, his an ex-maris and also Tim's church friend. He learned quite fast, and get the grasp of playing volleyball within that short period of time. After that, was like some crazy setting for me. For that dunno how long, i have to keep setting until my hands were like numb and severe fatigue. My shoulder muscle ached like nuts. I still cannot set properly to the left hand side, but i was getting better at setting towards the right side. I guess i still lacked tonnes of practice.
After trainning, the guys decided to go and bathe before going to subway. As all the gates were locked, Kevin, Andrew, Alex, Wei Long and I climbed through a small window to get to the stair case. Everyone got stuck at the window as it was small and hard to climb though but somehow or rather all of us managed to get in with a little bit of help from each other.
After that energy drainning trainning and that refresing bathe, all of us head to Subway at Far East for dinner. All the guys, namely Kevin, Hongchin, Alex, Andrew, Wei Long and Me, all gobbled down a foot long sandwich with upsized meal. That meal was of course filling, and that eating so much food makes me a bit sick. Suddenly we started talking about DOTA, and went for it. After bidding the girls goodbye, we boarded the bus to paradiz and played a game. It was 3v3, Kevin, Hong Chin and Wei Long vs Andrew, Alex and me. As Kevin and Andrew are quite pro, we decided to play AREM. I got a Neruebuen Weaver. A noob as usual, i go around buying the wrong items until andrew helped me with it. My team are good at escaping with me being able to sukuchi away, Twin headed dragon with blink dagger and the morphling with that wave thingy. Somehow or rather its my first time winning while playing AREM. Pure TYCONESS.
During the dota game, as hong chin is going to die, we used nether swap, and swap teammate Wei Long to us !!! And he run away !!! What a Hong Chin to sacrifice his teammate for his survival !?!?!?!
Thursday, January 18, 2007 ( 10:50 PM )
Well, with a sprained thumb from yesterday's trainning, i could hardly write today. Struggling with my pen in my left hand. LOL i guess i really need to train my left hand to not only play volleyball but also to write too. Just incase any of that happens to my right hand again.
Anyway i'm looking forward to tomorrow's trainning. I got a feeling that things gonna get "fun" ( in both senses ) but still, i got to do something about my thumb first. Anyway they are planning to go pepper lunch for dinner tomorrow, so i suppose several jc1's are comming along. And i hope Lanz won't pee in the bath room again. Its disguisting !!!
Oh yeah, to those friends which i showed you the videos about our volleyball captains "singing" breaking free, I managed to Yooutube those videos. Including the latest one i showed Joseph this afternoon, the one regarding kevin's forfeit.
Here are the links muahahaha.
The super funny one where kevin misses on first try
The one where he made it, this time with hand actions
The last one, Kevin's forfeit
ENJOY and laugh your ass off.
{/Nothing went right
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 ( 9:47 PM )
Well, i tried my best in everything i can today and nothing turns out right. What a day, it just sucked to the core. Its just fate that today sucks or maybe its cause i sucked today. Either way nothing went correct today.
PE was first up, thinking its going to be slack, which is usually the case. But i was wrong, today's PE was worst than Mass PE. Pushed myself, doing pullups 2.4km and grandstand. After so much effort put in to pass the grade set by my teacher, i receive nothing other than puking after PE !!! I just vomitted some food out, breakfast i suppose, it was just disgusting.
Later during volleyball, thinking it was going to be fun as the JC1's are with us. Everything went on fine until my worst nightmare came. Which is the part where MS Smith made us get into circles and roll and get to know the J1's. I dunno why god find it fun to torture me. That 15mins or so of get to know each other was disastrous and it felt like eons of years. I just don't find it comfortable talking to people i don't know. To top it up, i remember people by their faces and not names, so by the end of the whole thingy, i only know 5 jc1's name. Lanz, Jamie, Veronica, Deborah and Simeon. Then Andrew and Stuart keep talking among themselves, leaving me to talk to the jc1's, super awkward. I guess its just me, as wierd as how my name is spelt.
Just before we went for dinner, we played a game or two. To end up today's streak of badluck, just as i as blocking Ms Smith's ball, i spraied my thumb !!! Woah, bad things comes in triplets. There goes my math test tomorrow. Haha
Later at the bathroom, this JC1 guy called Lanz pee in the shower !!! I saw this stream of yellow colour liquid passing by my shower cubicle and flow into Hong Chin's cubicle. And the worst of all, it stinks !!! Hong Chin as usual made a lot of noise about it. He even brought it up during dinner time at BK.
I’m only a man in a silly red sheet, Digging for kryptonite on this one way street, Only a man in a funny red sheet, Looking for special things inside of me inside of me ...... inside of me
{/Chingay tranning session 2
Monday, January 15, 2007 ( 10:34 PM )
Erm's i realise i keep lagging behind in posts of events. Anyway, on saturday there is the Chingay in which i participated in. As expected, about 400 more people turned up as volunteers, comming from various jc's and secondary schools. But unexpectedly, a lot of cjc people suddenly did not turn up for the trainning !!! In my group 1.3, Joseph, Min Hui and Fang Hui did not attend, leaving the people i know in the group to less than half. ( Practically the cjc people only, Gerald, Ah Boon, Don and Pee Sheng )
Spent the first hour doing administrative work like collecting our photos and consent forms, playing ice breakers due to an increase in the number of group members by 6. Played the "who huh what" game and wacko. For some reason i dunno why, perhaps my name is hard to remember, my name is hardly called. Those name which are always called are those english name like Don, Gerald, Shawn, Carol... Haha.
After that was some role play in which several people are choosen to go on stage and perform a possible scene, like ticketing meeting difficult people or difficult situation. It was all fun and laughter as the brave people made a fool out of themselves on stage by giving wierd ideas and stuff. Frankly speaking, i could not come out with any ideas better than their's too.
I still dun understand how come Min Hui says that she heard that i was very quiet at this Chingay practice? ...............
Today was monday, a new timetable to start with and finaly we are standing behind at he quadrangle !!! A promotion to the rear !!! PE was great as it was games. To warm up, we had to run 4 rounds. I can't believe that i was very tired after only 4 rounds the track !!! That is so unlike me !!! Anway i'm not the only one, many other classmates felt the same too, i guess its caused we haven ran for ages.Haha. Played basketball today for PE. Man-of-the-game TIM SWEE ensured us with 3 wins in 3 games!!! All the nice layouts and shots. As for me, i'm like everywhere in court but with no significant help except to catch rebounds. Thats the only thing i'm okay at basketball.
Econs lecture at the last period was a killer. That Ms Tan dunno rush so fast for what? Usually her lecture is very slow, suddenly today she rushed through like 30-40slides in 1 hour. Worst still, as today we had new timetable, so most of us do not have our econs notes, she went through so fast, that i see some people just gave up trying to copy down. As for me i managed as much as possible to copy down word for word, but at the last few slides, my hand was strainned and i missed out a few chunks of summary she flashed on the screen. ARGH, whats her problem, go so fast, i copy until i want to die liao, its even worst than writting econs essays during examination time.
Oh, look what you've done, you made a fool of everyone
{/JC1 volleyball selection test
Saturday, January 13, 2007 ( 5:55 PM )

Friday. What a day. Practically went to school for 3 things. PE, Chem Lect and CCA !!! Actually there was double gp for the first 2 periods, but thanks to the JC1 commencement ceremony, we are left with 1. And in that 1 hour, Mr Chan went though about science and tech. He also went on to let us have a class discussion.
Mass PE, i just simply like it alot. Well, i should say my class is lucky. For the both PE periods we had this week, it rainned !!! And we get to use the hall. This time round we ran 10 rounds, did like tonnes of other things. But doing pe with an empty stomach sure is mentally draining. Shu Ming suddenly get very funny ( in a certain sense ) during PE. I'm sure he was not his usual self at that point in time. He became super happy that PE is going to end, and gets hypocritical
Volleyball trainning was great. Guess what, its JC1 selection test. Sadly to say, it was rainning and thus have to do their try-outs beside the PAC. The turn out was more than what i expected, especially the number of girls who came for it. The JC1's are made to do many things, some of them are very lame i must admit myself, like play catching on 1 leg, shuttle runs both forward, sideways and backwards, jumping and throwing shuttle cocks, receiving balls....... Well, i had to be that " 'bad guy' with the watch, as time is like a sharp and merciless sword " ( sry i dunno how to change the chinese phrase into english ) but you get the meaning can already. I was that timekeeper, and i felt bad. That is in simple terms.
Well, the JC1 guys who turned up are not bad, i see some hope for them, given their scores for the tests and also the fact that there are 2 experienced players. As for the girls, i keep saying joyce that she was very lenient with the scores for the girls. Giving the majority 7's 8's and 9's. Biasness !!! Haha. The sad thing is that for the girls, those experienced players do not want to stay in CJC !!! What a choice !?!?! CJC's a nice place with nice people. Hope after their first 3mths they would change their thinking.
As the book says Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, i observed and found out this few things that are different from the guys and the girls:
1) Guys will move very fast, when they reach the place then they do what they are supose to do, whereas girls are slower to get to the place, but they do things on the way. Thus the girls generally score better for psychomotor skills. Cause their movment are not very fragmented and are in a smooth flow.
2) The guys will run, get on 2 legs before jumping upwards thus can jump very high, while the girls will jump up even though they are running, thus jumping only on 1 leg, and then sail forward !!!
3) The guys when they jump will tend to open their legs sideways, while the girls when they jump will tend to bend one of their legs up.
4) This only applies to some of the girls and its a really funny comparison. Guys usually will swing their hands back before jumping but SOME GIRLS, i stress SOME, cause some girls i see when they jump, they got the "chicken wing thing", which means to say keep their fist near their chest and lift up their elbows, like a chicken flapping its wings but cannot fly !!! HAHA. Well, its funny to see the way people do things.
Okay, enough of laughing at people doing things. After trainning we celebrated Kevin's belated brithday with a cake and a card. Hong Chin was sooooooo greedy that he ate most of the fruits on the cake, leaving behind a white cake for kevin !!! After that we went to Far East Na Na Thai restaurant and guess what, 11 of us squeeze in to a table which is in the storeroom !!! Joyce and Kevin got so high that they started to sing Breaking Free. Its not them singing, but acting out the words in the lyrics and there is a part where Kevin lagged. Haha. I guess i should put them up on youtube though.
Another interesting day in school ...........
We'll carry on, And though you're dead and gone believe me, Your memory will carry on
{/All in my mind
Thursday, January 11, 2007 ( 9:51 PM )
For some reason i dunno why, Xiuting keep calling me an abuser now. I felt more like an animial abuser though, given that xiuting is a d** Jkjk.She wrote abuser all over my eraser, on my blog, and everything she can tag on !!! Abuser sounds very bad, and its definately not very me. I'm dead sure.
It has been rainning for 3 days, and everything felt so sian. I almost slept in all the tutorial and lectures. ALMOST !!! Thats bad, and eating sweets won't help to. But i got a problem, doing shoduku will help me stay awak, but either way i am not listening to the teacher !!! GOSH. I'm really bad at shoduku though, always kenna owned by Min Hui. Not bad lah, at least rabbit is good at something, but this rabbit ar, the EARS also sometimes got problem, cannot hear properly. Dunno why the ear so big for what?
Today is also the day where Tim, Isaac and Lynette came back from their 6 day ordeal ( i would say, to be JC1 facilitator ) Well, our quiet class is no more quiet anymore with Isaac around. Well, his amusing at times, but irritating at others. Still, he made our class very lifely with his weird/unusual things he does. Guess what, he brought a red astroboy water bottle to school, those type where people from the kindergarden uses !!!
I'm not really in the best of mood today. Though i must agree that Lynette is not as noisy as what i though she would be. My apologies there, for saying that she's very noisy in class just now.
There's so many things in my brain now. Tan Hoe Teck's lecture is always very fast as he keep talking cock and in the end let us off early !!! The first lecture by him, we were released 15 mins early !!! Where to find such teachers? NYAA also under him. Hai, Skills ar Skills, where to find you? 18mths leh.
The game which i played JX2 has decided to cancel the lvl 70 sect accessory !!! WTF i want to chiong for it, but since now dun have then i dun need to chiong liao. WHEE, my 20% exp per hour, is going to cause me to lvl up very slowly as the max 1 day i can play is only 1 hour. Sometimes even dun get to play. My lvl 50 sect accessory is not that bad, and guess what i chionged today and gained 60% in 2 hours !!! And i'm like half zombie already.
Oh yeah, I finally finish all my holiday homework after chionging math ACJC promos paper, I AM DONE, NO MORE BACKDATED WORK !!! Time to catch up with this years work. Btw theres test next week and SPAs and .......... The long lists of to-dos never ends.
The time table is screwed up, sometimes we have 2 hour break before PE !!! And it kind of sucked given that tues and fri is MASS PE and wed and fri is CCA. I got no time to recover from my earlier trainnings. I'm still acheing today and guess what theres mass pe 2 hours before cca starts. Anyway tomorrow we have the JC1 selection test for those interested to join volleyballers. I'm happy to see some guys who had played volleyball before in their secondary school !!! Finally we got some hope. ( Okay, we are not that bad, but still having an experienced player is better than none !!! )
Chingay trainning is this comming Sat and I'm looking forward to it. It is going to be the first trainning and guess what, we are expecting another 400 more volunteers !!! Things gonna be more fun or so, thats what i think for now. I was thinking of helping out at the traffic control. Actually it sounds stupid but the reason why i wanted to join Chingay as a volunteer, is after i saw and talked to a volunteer helping out doing the traffic control at last years Chingay!!! I must agree its stupid, very very stupid indeed.
Oh yeah, check out my webshots at link SIX to see what i did during the Nemo and Langkawi Camps. A picture paints a thousand words, thus enjoy the pictures. I made some very good friends at Nemo and i'm looking towards the next anthro outing. Cikgu still owes all of us a meal !!!
Last of all, I'm glad Rinx have enjoyed herself at JJC orientation. She felt very down on the first few days of orientation, but after hearing from her that Orientation is fun, i heaved a sigh of relief. See i never bluff you, orientation is definately fun, at least for the first orientation. Haha. All the best in whatever you do.
{/5th day in school
Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ( 8:40 PM )
Well, time really files and it the 5th day of school now. Today was just another day except that i did not sleep in class. I did my 2nd soduku. Lol guess i really sucked, needed tonnes of help from Min Hui ( can't believe it, i got help from rabbit ) But anyway other than the double econs at the end of the day, everything was fine. Double econs was interesting, but having econs lect after econs tut is damn stupid. Ms Tan our econs teacher practically repeat herself during the lecture.
Mass pe later was no sweat ( not literally ). 5rounds, 100 pushups, 80 crunches, 80 starjumps, 40 that switch leggy thing..... Woah, my season's comming, gotta start pushing myself. Oh yeah and cross country's round the corner.
Stayed back after school to finish up the anthro project with Alkhaff and Nurul. Stupi alkhaff, damn irritating and annoying. Keeps talking like theres no tmr and disturbing Nurul. LOL. I could only sit aside and watch them "talking". Haha, its never easy to be me i suppose
{/Chingay session 1
Saturday, January 06, 2007 ( 4:13 PM )
Woah, signed up for Chingay yesterday. There are suppose to be only 100+ ppl today, but because my school people very enthusiastic, more than 200 people turn up. More than 90% of the people are from cjc.
We are split into 4 sectors, and within each sector there is 10 groups. Im in sector 1 group3, and guess who's my leader? DON LEW PING AN !!! Haha, that funny vice captian of cjc shooting club. He's damn funny and damn enthu, but for some reasons, he like to sabo people. My group has very little people. 4 guys don, gerald, jopseh, me and the rest all girls. fang hui, min hui, carol, one NJC gal and ah boon. I think i missed out one if i am not wrong. But anyway it today was the first session, so we had ice breakers. There isn't much ice to break, given that all except one comes from CJC. For 3 hours, we had admin and ice breakers. Thats all that we did today. The next session will also be next saturday at SRJC but this time its our first trainning.
After that went to kovan for lunch and went home while the others went to SWARMI home to help out. Did alot of things i hardly/seldom do today. Guessed i was really high. Ran up the stairs at Dhouby Ghaut and then ran on the travellator against the direction. Went home with Joseph and Jacq, in the end laugh like siao, that stupid joseph and helmet headed jacq.
{/First day of school
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ( 5:22 PM )
School reopens today. Well, this time my class will be much bigger, and guess what we have 2 doors again and 6 fans!!! So sad today dun have orientation for jc2. Anyway my bag was super empty just 4 peices of holiday homework ( all undone though ), rushing to complete my NYAA reports was a though enough job to do. No writing pad, no pencilbox ( as i could not find them ). Generally school was quite fun today, even though tim and isaac are off as facils. Talked quite alot of cock in class today, guessed i'm abit high. Psk, look at Vince's hair today !!! haha.
The first thing Mdm Hanisah did was to ask us about our holiday then check our attire and hair and all. LOL, i heard from other classes, the first 2 periods their form tutor played games with them. Anyway, our pe rep has been changed from joseph to joel, as joseph do not want to be the pe rep anymore ( cause his cca teacher is our pe teacher and he ponned all the holiday trainnings !!! ) First day of school, the teachers started teaching, while we could hear the laughter of the jc1s who are enjoying themselves downstairs. How i wish there is orientation for jc2s. Thats gonna be very fun.
Thats all for now, i gotta do my holiday assignments now that i bought my pens and pencils. I still cannot find my pencil box and graphic calculator !!! ARGH