Sunday, December 31, 2006 ( 11:28 PM )
HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU !!! Yeah YOU and of course your family !!!
Gosh, fixed some more bugs which i overlooked. Its quite a major bug though, if you didn't realise its okay. It just shows that you do not pay attention to detail. Haha.
School's reopening on the 3rd of Jan. So have you finish your homework ?
( 1:34 AM )
I managed to fix the bug in the codes and its snowing finally !!! ( Its better to be late than never ) Added some more facts and page six on links too. ( You all should say WOW now, its like Dawes finally want to edit his blog ) Btw I need more links! Cause i omited a number of blogs as my friends want to keep private. If you dun mind, you can drop your link into the tagboard. ( And pls, my tagboard has been very cold, help to make it warmer ) Thanks
~ Let it snow ~ let it snow ~ let it snow ~
{/Hisham's Birthday
Saturday, December 30, 2006 ( 9:25 PM )
Supposed to meet at 10.30 but i went late at round 12.30 to meet them. I have something on to do in the morning, worst of all, i can't belief they waited at pastamania for 2 hours for me !!! OMG. Damn paiseh. In the end, Wai Cheung met me at the bus stop. On the way down to meet Hisham and the others, we stop by to buy icecream. Wai Cheung choose rasin while i chose rum. Thinking everything was fine as we sang the birthday song and all, just then before he ate the icecream, we realise that he cannot eat rum. ITS HALEM !!! OMG. Then we realise that pastamania is also not HALAL !!! as the saying goes 2 wrongs make 1 right, we went to paradiz.
On the way there Wenxi have to leave, and so she left. Left with Jessica, Carmelon, Hisham, Wai Cheung, Alkhaff and me. As wenxi have left, we decided not to go kbox and went to the arcade instead. We made Hisham dance para para. Although it was his first time, he cleared it witha 84% passing grade. He lookes weird though, danceing and clenching his fist just like superman. ( Spiderman changed to Superman !!! ) After that was Carmelon, who finished it in perfect score of 100%. Last was Jessica, but due to her usual sotong-ness she was in danger until Carmelon took over. Haha. We decided to try Datona after that but it was rigged. I was so pissed off. The auto have higher top speed than the manual !!! The gear 4 is spoilt thus the stop speed was only 264kmh, while the auto is 300+. The beginner track was 20 rounds instead of 8 and last of all there is a turbo mode !!! RIGGED LIKE CRAZY. Any way i still win Wai Cheung using manual while he use auto. Haha. Oh yeah, half way through, Jessica have to leave for something and so we are down to only 5 person.
Lan was next, at my usual hangout Head Quarters. It WAS my usual hangout, but not now. It was 1 year since i stepped into a lan shop to play for hours. Only played lan 4 times this year 1 hour each. OMG, so as usual, i was a far cry off my peak at dota, and was pawned like shit. The first 2 game was randon so i lost 5-0, 3-0. I was surprised that Carmelon playes dota, and she's quite good at it. The next two game is better as i its all pick, so i picked my usual character. Skeleton King, and guess what my team won the nxt 2 game, with 2-0 and 2-1 for me. That stupid Wai Cheung KSED ME SO MANY TIMES !!! ARGH, that stupid nymuk is very irritating. The last game, my char was gay, unkillable indeed, but poor hisham, got pawned his balls off. Birthday Bash in dota. Anyway he was quite funny, talking alot of cock, about being off form, or doing something. Haha.
Played pool later which everybody there was a noob, the first game lasted 30 mins to finish !!! After 1 hour of pool, hisham have to go home for dinner. The 4 of us left, then headed to the chicken rice stall for lunch. Thats when i realise its 6pm and its my FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY !!! FIRST MEAL, haven eaten or drink a single drop of water since morning. HUNGRY !!! But due to budget constrain, i only had a plate of rice and a cup of ice lemon tea to quench my thirst and fill my stomach. After that delicious plate of rice ( when you are hungry everything taste nice ) its time to part and each of us went inseperate ways to go home. Luckily for me, Wai Cheung was also taking the same bus, so we chatted all the way home about our project NEMO.
And a Happy HARI RAYA to all my muslims friends, especially, Nurul, Siti, Alkhaff, Hisham and of course Chegu Hanisah.
{/Shifted !!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 ( 10:50 PM )
After 6 hours of shifting boxes, carrying boxes, loading/unloading boxes, and chatting with my cousin, i finally shifted house !!! It was such a rush that my room is still empty, with nothing more than 2 beds ( sharing with my brother ) !!! The new tv set have not come yet, so is the sofa set, the washing machine, the kitchen cabinet and many many more. Woah, shifting house within 9 days is amazing tiring yet interesting. Out of the 4 times i shifted so far, today's one is the most energy zapping. Slept only 6 hours in 2days !!! 3 hours each, so i'm like a giant panda bear now.
The first thing i fix when i reached the new house is non other than my wireless internet system and my desktop !!! But just before i can do anything with it, i have to leave house to go to ikea to grab some important stuffs like ironing board, pillows and chairs !!! Was amazed to see salimah at ikea too, buying stuff. I can't belief we throw away so much stuffs : fridge, tv, matress, pillows, ironing board, hi-fi sets, washing machine ......... Now its back to basics. One good thing about this new house is that, there is free aircon 24/7 !!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 ( 1:32 AM )
Well, God is so good that it gave us a holiday to celebrate his birthday. Haha. Thats how great jesus is. Anyway, Christmas came and went so fast, practically spent my whole christmas at home except for dinner yesterday at IMM. Other than that, my christmass have been filled with brown boxes and tapes and last of all rubbish !!! What a christmass. I've been trying very hard to get my hand on the snowing codes which i will put up very soon.
Anyway for my classmates, xiuting and Jacquline also have presents for you all : Math and GP holiday assignments. Math present is the 2 end of year paper of other JC. As for the GP present, its on col@c.
One year have passed so fast and its another christmas season again. Some of us have changed, while some of us haven. But one thing for sure, Santa Clause haven change a single bit !!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Sunday, December 24, 2006 ( 10:38 PM )
Merry Christmas to you and your family
Ok, i'm really kind of buzy with this and that. Nemo, Langkawi, then now shifting house. Woah, there goes my whole holiday. Well i managed to squeeze some time of to blog. I'll upload the pics and all after i shift my house on the 27th dec. Sadly to say i have to give Christmas a miss. Packing Packing and more Packing woah. At least now i know some of my neighours. So far i know Poh Chiat , Gabriel, Mr Wong ( phy teacher ), Linton , Aaron, Nurul ( whos going to shift to the condo besides mine soon ). I just realise i still have 2 reports of 4k word for NYAA and the dead line is first jan 2007. Gosh, i'm like going nuts.
Anyway i heard this year's chirstmas is one of the best especially when some orchard shopping centres undergone some major renovation. Its kind of sad to stay at home and watch Christmas come and go right infront of your nose. Okay i got to go back to pack now, cya.
To all my classmates out there, i have a christmas present for you all : Econs Hw on Col@C !!! Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 ( 1:10 PM )
Happy Birthday Jacq
Well, its Jacq Birthday today !!! Theres a bbq at her aunt's house. I'm sure you all will have fun there. Btw, i really can't make it. So sorry.
2 more days, 2 more days and I'm off to indonesia for my ocip trip. Comming back on the 13th but 14th going off to lankawi for adventure camp again. Only backed in spore on the 20th. Thinking of that long time not in spore, lol, i gonna be missing out on alot of stuff. Sian. Had to renew pass port, get more clothes for the ppl there. Wth so many things to do with so little time. Why can't god give ppl 48hours a day ???
{/Looking Back
Monday, December 04, 2006 ( 7:29 AM )

Its undeniable that time flies fast, real fast. Within the blink of an eye 1 week have past. Adapting back to life in Spore after my trip can be quite tiring and fustrating given the fact that the merciless scorching sun and the huge amount of moisture in the air.
Monday was suppossed to have trainning, which i'm looking forward to, but somehow or rather it was cancelled to make way for our volleyball bbq at Hong Chin's house. I was suppose to go bukit batok to help out with buying the food and stuff. But i have to make a trip down to IKEA to ask about the design and renovation my new house. I was suppose to meet them at 11am but in the end met them at around night. Luckily, i was staying very near so i wasn't the last to reach. Had quite a lot of fun bbqing especially the coke flavoured chicken wings and the spicy sotongs. Whats a volleyball bbq without playing volleyball??? So we played at an empty grass patch in Hong Chin's condo. By 11pm we packed everything up and went up to HC's house. The only thing i remembered was Kevin on seeing a lizard jumped on to a chair which gretchen was sitting on !!! Oh well, thats his kryptonite.

Tuesday, in my memory was very bleak. I know i let someone down on that day and i know i stayed at home the whole day. Whereas on wednesday i was out doing stuffs again like contacting this person and that. Went down to the new apartment to take photos and measurements so as to ease designing and contact contractors.
Thurs was a day i could not forget. LINTON PHOA !!! Went to makan at KAP with him then head to his house for a swim. He become super tanned, like those roasted honey chicken then still want to tan somemore. Then he drag me to kbox at jurong east. I dunno why i went also. Cannot sing go there stoning. Haha.
Friday was trainning finally. I'm glad i can be a setter, but being a setter can be quite tiring as i have to run much more. I can't belief we lost to the Pasir Ris Sec Sch Gals team again. I guess cause not all the better ones participated. We have a few nice game and it was close fought. I think i'm quite mean as others have pointed out. I successfully blocked an opponent spiker twice in a row and in the same way. LOL. After that went to KFC to have our lunch. Everything went so well until just when we were about to go home. The muscle around my right knee cap start to cram and i cannot even walk !!! Stuck at orchard far east with immense pain !!! Luckily stuart and andrew were walking behind with me and helped me.
BBQs ar BBQs. Went 1, missed 1, approaching 1. Should i go or not?
Looking back on the things i've done, i was trying to be someone