Although i'm back for 2 days already, i find myself rather lazy to blog about my trip to China. For 8 days i lived in a stress free environment, no busy schedules to adhere to, no need to help people do this do that, i can just chill out, relax and learn as an when i want. Making the trip to China, i found out that china's chinese and spore's chinese are quite different.
These are the main and very obvious difference:
Its a habbit for them to spit on the floor as and when they wish
The vehicles used their horns as the language on road, can use it very oftenly
Their zebra crossing is like invisible
Its their habbit to argue as a from of bargaining of price
They eat every kind of meat including dogs, cats, snake, fried starfish, fried scorpion...!!!
The places i visited are mostly of the royal orgin, like the forbidden city, tian tan ( forget it, i will blog about my trip after i figured out how to type chinese ) Beijing isnt a very good place to stay and mark my words. First the air is full of fog, in which most of the time evey picture you take is grey and blured. The food there is not pleasant to our tastebuds too. Too oily, too salty, not spicy enough. Anyway, on the last day of my tour, i finally get to see snow !!! Not any ordinary show but the first snow of Beijing. It was rain + snow thus the floor is wet, everything is wet. Whats nice is the white snowflakes which fall sparingly which i will never forget.
Di Yi Chang Xue
Well, it like 3 hours more to my departure. I am kinda happy now that my laptop is back with me. Still i have no time to game. My parents confiscated my laptop for the whole of yesterday !!!! Wtf, no need to chat liao, now most ppl offline how to chat. I was glad to see my sec sch chinese teacher again dear old Mr Heng. He is still that same old kind, called my name infront of all the sec 3's and ask me to go over and then ask me who my brother is. LOL. I was even embarrassed when i mistook Mr Malcolm Wong's wife for a new teacher. Mr Heng still say she very pretty thats why i asked, in front of her some more and a few other teachers. WTF LAH. Anyway saw john chua also, he was sending his brother to beijing also. His brother is freaking tall, sec 3 and taller than me ( i guess or maybe same height ). Time to go cya.
The weekend is drawing near, and my departure date is drawing closer day by day. I will be far away from Singapore exactly 2 days from now. Going to a very cold place ( both literally and not ). What to expect there was a grey patch to me. Packing my luggage have never met with so much resistance from myself. I'm very lazy to pack most of my clothes into a small luggage and also i'm quite reluctant to go. Rushing here and there just to buy clothes was very tiring. I'm dead beat before the supposedly enjoying trip overseas. Well, lucky i recovered from my sickness just before the trip and i hope it could open my eyes to see the world outside. I've been a small frog for too long, time to grow bigger now.
8 days, for 8 days i will not be in Singapore. What happens within these 8 days? I won't even know till i come back. I'll sure miss alot of things, first my computer game. 8 days i can level up much more and earn more money. I finally reached 100 gold !!! I'll also miss my friends and also volleyball trainnings. It finally came, but i could not attend. Sigh.....
I'm glad at least this week was well spent at least. Monday was our first gym trainning for volleyball as well as the first personal gym trainning i ever did. It was not very tiring when we are doing the exercies, it just take a lot of discipline not to give up halfway. In the end my mucles are acheing like nuts the next morning. Wednesday was another wonderful day at Singapore Polytechnics. I learned lots of new things and played with the HPLC and GC. We found out that BOH tea really does not have any CAFFINE !!!
I'm just sad as i know my close friend would be sadden by me either today or tomorrow. Why, why, why must i leave on saturday ??? My mind is spinning so fast, don't know what to say and how my friend will react.
I hope i can bring my laptop along so i can blog about my trip and upload pics here. Well, i hope i will be happier when i reach there. Till then, cya.

Another chance for our class to meet again, this time is Jessica's Birthday. Well, she treated all of us to NYDC at Wheelock place today, bet it burned a huge hole in her pocket. Anyway it was fun there. Joseph, Pei Qi, Joel, Sue Maine, Jacquline, Weiji and me shared present for her. While the others also bought their gifts. One gift was a huge balloon, in which is bigger than isaac's torso !!! It was really that big, and everybody looked at that huge balloon. After that was eating and talking and eating and talking. Practically non stop. It was great, though i expect more ppl to be wearing long sleeve. Haha. I on the other hand was trying to take as many photos as possible. Muahaha, i got some scandalous photos too !!!

Jason Tseng who was living near by, came by too
Jacq with Stitch ( HUNGRY !!! )
Buddies till the end
Salimah, Andrew, Me
1-2-3-4 ( Where's the trademark mole ??? )
Odacers with Jessica
Make a wish ( shhhhhh )
Scandal ???
By popular demand, an "Encore"
Now You Can Close Your Eyes
Well, I risked my life putting that 2 pictures up so dun take it for granted !!!!! Sry Joseph, dun kill me !!! It was a wonderfull celebration. Shelby came too, but she left halfway. Well, other than that, it went smoothly, everybody was enjoying it. Laughters were everywhere. Shu Ming came at 9.30 !!! He went for his friend's performance. When he came we passed him a bouquet of flowers and ask him to present it to jessica, but as usual he firmly refuse. Nice cool way of refusing, but still he wished her happy birthday anyway. AWWWWWWWWW.
Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile, and she will be lovedWasted time is like spilled water, once spilled, its never able to return again. So there goes my these few days. My life's kind of sucked, but my attitude made it a better place for me to live in. What can be worst than having fever and headaches during Chinese A lvl exams ? What can be worst than having sorethroat on the day of your OP ? Well, life's full of supprises. By the way, I changed my phone number for some unknown reason.
Monday was OP. We are the First group, of the first shift of the first day. What the heck, rush like siao on sunday night, sweat like siao on monday morning. Mdm Hanisah kept all our EOM, PI. ARGH make us search high and low for them. Then monday morning while we are like rushing she come and tell us its with her. The examiners although are from CJC but their qns like very the chim kind, sometimes i feel the questions are just too qian bian.
Well, i can't belief it, holiday trainning starts next week. Something which i always have been looking forward to, suddenly becomes a dreaded thing for me. Still i must go, still i must work hard no matter how sucky i am now. I'm like stuck and theres no turning back, i have to move forward.
Did a lot of soul searching these few days, especially when i'm travelling around by bus alone. Thinking of anything worth thinking off. Will be updateing them at page 3. I'm also tired and sian to blog. Haha, can't belief i'm like addicted to bleach. Chiong from 1 to 64 in 3 days !!! My eyes are like wtf. Sleeping at around 3-4am everyday ain't good.
Anyway for some happier moments, went to this stupid arcade to play with joseph, peesheng, weiji, jasmine, joel and peiqi. I see the games they play ar, i see no fun in them. Just practically spamming something. Well at least i get to stretch some of my muscle at daytona where i can start to play well and pawned some asses, learned some new moves too!!! Well the spamming of basket ball cause my leg to cram somehow. My cuff muscles still hurt now.
Tmr Jessica's Birthday. She treating us to Fish and CO!!! Loaded, rich kid. Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA !!!
As you can see, my this post is slipshot again cause i'm off watching bleach. Bleah, i wonder when then could i stop it.
Well, i'm glad OP dry run is over. Results for first day was a poor 8/18. But second day was 12/18. Seems like a huge improvement? Uhuh, the first day, the teachers for the presentation are out own teachers. Thus they are very critical off our project. Marking us down heavily, and also ask some very chim questions. I hope i'll not get this type of teacher in my actual day.
Second day was by Mr Tay, he kind old chap from T14, who knows most of us as he taught us during the first 3 mths. Supprisingly he still can remember our names correctly !!! He's not so critical of our project, and also he keep giving us information on our project. For example andrew's, he told them more about Oliva Lam, the CEO of hyflux as their project was on water. He's generally very lenient and that he keep praising us, letting us know of our both strengths and weakness.
After that, as i was feeling unwell, i decided to go and have lunch with my class before going home, instead of joining the rest of the other people in planning the OCIP to india. We went to Swenson's in Plaza Sing. Well, i must agree that it was the class outing other than the chalet with the highest number of participant. Over 20 ppl, it was supprising as they include Gabriel, Shu Ming, Jessica, WenXi, ( Pee Sheng, Joseph they usually want to be anti social haha ). We stayed for quite long though, ate sundaes. Jessica treated a giant earthquake !!! Woot. After eating, we started to play a game called, Never ever have i ever....... If you do then you drink the water. If you did not do then you don't drink.
Many different questions came out some funny ones are never ever have i ever used the shower head as a mike? , reflection ones are never ever have i ever found something good in Shelby? , saboing ones are never ever have i ever liked someone in our class? , jacking ones are never ever have i ever think that isaac is gay? In the end, everybody drank until they had to visit the washroom at least one. Well, the poor waiter have to keep refilling our glasses as we finished the water quite fast. After that, they went to watch movie while i made a move first. All in all its was fun and that we regretted not playing such games earier as a class.
As for today, it was quite retarted, went to school to pay Mr Yee money, collect a book from Mr Chong, submitted forms to Ms Yeow, and lasted kenna scolded by Mr Leong, for cancelling the india OCIP trip last minute as my parents have violent objection. Well, its was quite bad at first, he questioned my planning skills as a vice captian, and all, but i saw the goodness in that. He made me be responsible for what i have done, although money could settle the problem. Its not the problem of money that i learned, but the lesson of cocking up somethings which are important. Well i heard this phrase somewhere and i found it quite true, the older you are, the more expensive your mistakes cost you.
Also i just do not understand why i always cause some nice teacher to be sadden by my actions and be dissappointed at me. Pri 1 to 3 in Maha Bodhi School, just because i returned a punch as my friend hit me for no purpose whatsoever, my teacher was dissappointed at me and remove my title as class monitor. Pri 4 to 6 in De La Salle, i just ponned a meeting for something else and Mr Ang, my computer teacher was dissappointed at me, although i must agree that, that meeting was our last meeting. In SJI, as i made Mrs Goh, my micromouse teacher dissappointed when i withdraw from it at the end of sec3 as my o lvls are comming. Now Mr Leong was dissappointed in me for cocking up his schedule and that i'm withdrawing from India OCIP.