Math paper was ok. Nth much to say about it. I swear i only spent 2 hours studying for it. Thanks to Pee Sheng who introduced me to a game which i am addicted to. I guess many people feel that this promos are indeed easier than midyears. Econs H1 are 2 weeks away, but for now, my life suddenly became so empty all of a sudden. From a hectic mugging shedule, to a empty shedule.
Spending my past 2 days at home playing the game like crazy. Its really a waste of my time. Went out with Linton, Chong Wee and Sharon to town today. Went to buy stuffs and talk and talk and talk. At topman, i was supprised to see Sean Lee with Amelia ( packaged ) and Gretchien. Linton wants to buy his converse shoe, so he spent like 1 hour at the shop trying this shoe and that. 1 hr!!! Longer that what girls take to buy their stuffs !!! Chong Wee also spent a long time deciding which shirt to buy. Well, even though Sharon says she isn't bored, i could tell that she is dead bored. So am I. My intention of going to town to get my wallet was never fulfilled.
We talked about how Chong Wee would never date fat girls. And how he like tall girls. Guess what, his tongue slip and he admits ( by inference ) that he still like Cheryl. Irony when you always see Chong Wee and Sharon together. Due to Linton's insistence of meeting up with Chong Wee and Sharon, i mention that we are as a matter of fact interfering with their date. Immediately, both of them replied " What date" at the same time, both turn around with that stunned look. LOL.
By the time they finished buying their stuffs, i have to make my way back home. What a day, spending my time going out to accompany people buy stuff. Its actually ok, but linton he ask me to stay for a while at arcade so in the end i could not be back in time to play badminton with Joseph they all. Now they pissed with me say i ps them. Crap this type of situtation sucks.
You took for granted all the times, I never let you down
Sian.... I was damn high in the morning when i studied until 3 am with Linton through MSN. After that woke up at 11.30. Rush out of the house and to school. I was damn happy doing the paper.
Supprisingly, i felt very sian when i was on my way home. I guess i lost 20 marks in section C. Sian.....
As my msn nick suggest, i have so far during the promo period of 2 weeks watched 63 times of High School Musical. Well its a damn nice way to destress, by watching it over and over again.
So far till now, 3 person have called me crazy this week because of my crazyness.
My main reason to buy the Zen Neeon is so that i could watch and listen more High School Musical while travelling !!! So i wasted my friday afternoon going to Plaza Singapura to get it, but found out that NO STOCK !!! ARGH
Ok what a paper..... Nothing much to talk about, just that the paper seems ok. I finally for the first time cross the 500 mininium word limit. The teacher dun allow me to my electronic dictonary. WTFFFF. It wrote approved by SEAB for use in chinese compostion !!!
Anyway, i'm supprised to get the form for project NEMO. How i got it? i dunno also. Mdm Hanisah just ask someone to pass it to me. Sian, long weekend ahead. Chiong Chem or Math?
Even though the paper is easier than Mid years, i was still shocked to find many mistaks. Careless mistakes, arrr by sworn enemy, has been backstabbing me again. Trying to bring me down on my knees.
Tomorrow CHINESE !!!! Everybody pls get your MC's ready for tomorrow.
Well, was studying at Jurong East Library this afternoon.
Guess what, one librarian was doing his duty going around asking people to talk softly.
Then he came by this group of people who were talking loudly using their phones.
As usual he went over to ask them not to use their handphone.
The next second, HIS PHONE RANG !!!
At the first look of the paper, there was a woosh. I guess the school indeed wanted us to be retained. Well, the paper was as though as some other schools prelim paper for j2 !!! Most of the questions involve quotes from famous people like Gandhi. I did the question on science advancement and seriously crap alot. Instead of 5 points which is the requirement, i only wrote 4 and of which 2 are not strong examples. Well, i guess the max i can get is about 24 if i'm very lucky.
On the other hand, the paper 2 is about lonelyness which i'm very familar !!! I'm always a loner.... So this passage is obvously very easy to me. ( joking, eventhough it talks about me, its still damn though) I didn't have time to complete my AQ. In fact i would agree with the second author as they say people need to be alone to find out more about themselves. Also i have to crap in my summary as i could not find points to write about. Well, there goes my GP as in really gone. GG. Fail then fail lah, still got other subs what.
I'm fat, with fast food every meal for the pass 3 days !!!! KAP - ing later and guess what Macs again. Haha. Do you know that eating can help you de-stress?
Just when everybody got school on friday, i don't. But still went back to school in search of a place to study. Met up with Linton to have breakfast at KAP before proceeding to school. Spent about 6 hours there studying and playing. Linton as usual ps me at 12.30pm. Anyway, spent some time playing Magic cards with David, Ronald, Glen, Gareth.......
School closes at 6 so i went to KAP with Joesph to study. Ends up we were playing cards while studying !!! Haha. Guess who we met there? Salimah, Gabrielle, Jasmine, Esmond and one other girl...... All muggers, go there to mug like siao.
Saturday was equally screwed up. Went to school at 11am when i was suppose to be there by 10 for GP remedial. Mr Chan talk non stop until 1pm. Thats when he have to leave to meet up with some other group, saying that he would come back at 4pm. Lazy to go out of school, we called KFC, those operators could not locate out school and we had to go find out our school's postal code the hard way. Guess what Mr Chan came back at 4.50pm instead of 4pm and teach till 5pm !!! A wonderful 10mins !!! Quite pissed of with him, we went to Toa Payoh to get some books at popular. The 5 of us who bought stuffs, 4 use cards to pay !!! All rich kids.
Met up with Joseph at KAP to "study" again. To my supprise, there was Salimah and Gabrielle !!! And also my buddy from ACJC, Jia Jun. Studied from 7 all the way till 10.30 before we leave. It was very noisy there especially with a group of ACJC girls who made a lot of noise. So irritating, worst off, another bunch of girls came and sat on the other side causing a surround sound of noise. Ok enough of that. So Jia Jun and me went to eat prata after that, calling Zixiang to join us on the way. What a dinner at about 11pm. Anyway went home to see alot of people online at night burning midnight oil. MUGGERS !!!!
Ok, this week has been as fun as it can be. Never before have i so enjoyed myself studying and playing at the same time.
This is what i do, which is quite slack but fun at the same time.
8-10am school
10-11am cards ( break )
11-1pm school
1-2pm cards
2-6pm afternoon study
6-7pm freesbie
7-10pm night study !!!
Hah, its long since i have the mood to actually sit down and study. First night study of the year was done yesterday. Today too !!! With Don, Xiuting and Isaac. Its just so funny with Don and Isaac in the same table. Haha. Finally mugging i can't belief it. MUGGER !!!
Today was quite an ideal day. If it could be repeated everyday, it would be great. Well balanced day with studies, exercise and of course going to town.
Thanks to Linton who tell me yesterday night at 3.30am to go to his house at 10am later in the day. Its like WTF. In the end, went there about 11am. Thats when we go swimming to get tanned. Haha. Due to our exams, we start to hide in our house and pretend to study, of obviously we turn white. Chiong swimming for like 1 hours until 12. Ate lunch at his place then head for town.
Going to town to study sounds quite retarded. But anyway, the library was quite condusive to study. One ACJC girl was doing her CIP at the library. I must agree she's quite chio. Then Linton keep talking very loudly and also say that she quite chio. Later she came over with a survey for us to do. Haha, i see linton like his saliva want to drip already !!! Afther the survey, linton was like "She's damn chio", " She's a tracker", "Is she still there?". Damn sad lah, people go library to study, he go there to see chio bu. But other than that distraction ( I find the disctaction comming more from Linton than that girl ), it was a condusive place to study, get some work done and chill out.
Meet up with Justin and other classmates at Orchard MRT. Damn funny all the way. We walk all the way to the new Cathay just to decided not to watch movie. Went to Ben and Jerry instead just to spent $5 on a small scoop of ice-cream. Talk talk and talk. After that went to Paradiz to play pool. Surprises, surprises. Meet Jovian with his girl, evan and one more other fellow. Guess who is Jovian's girl ??? DEBBIE !!!! ( OMG, i was under the impression that once bitten twice shy was applicable to humans ) After Debbie's horrendous relationship with Vince, she went to into a relationship so fast with Jovian. Another Josephian, another NCC guy. Anyway Jovian's a much better guy than Vince. Hai.........................
Guess whats her first question, " Wee Hoe, is that you ?" ( Well of course its me lah, duh). Then she asked " So SJI teach you to play pool ?" ( ... )
After that "encounter", we went to Raffles City. On the way, we ambushed Shawn Lee. Trying to catch him with his girl studying at the national library. Instead, we caught him with another guy !!! Very Malu and paiseh. Anyway, we continue to Raffles City for dinner. Met some other guys there, Amelia from CJC, one old friend from SYFOC and some others. After that went to CHIJMES, hearing that there is 50% off for drinks. So we decided to go drinking. In the end, the place was very crowded, anyway there are malays with us too, thus we decided to head home.
A wonderful day indeed, talk full of rubbish like we used to in SJI. Finally, farewell Justin, who was going back to Europe on the Sept 11 !!! Bon Voyage.
Get this party started on a Saturday night
I guess my words against CJC are abit of harsh. CJC isn't really that bad, its just that some people, the food and the level of technology are just below average ( expectations too ). Other wise its a nice school, with nice teachers and students.
Life in CJC is one of the most stressful, yet entertaining journey in my life. Class was stressful, with so many smart people in it, like Tim, Xiuting, Gabriel, Shu Ming.... and some people like Shelby, Vince who are so famous..... Well there are some nice people like Joseph and Pee Sheng in there too. Its a rojak class and i'm not part of the ingredient in it.
Volleyball on the other hand has been enjoyable and entertaining so far. I foresee the stressful part comming especially when competition draws nearer. With the usual jokers like David, Daryl and Abriel. Some very enthusiastic people like Kevin, Joyce, Wei Long, Gretchen.... Some very loud people like Corina and Fei Zhen. Some very quite people like Jason, Ben and Christ. Its kind of entertaining to train with these type of people. You get jokes very so often that you forget your tireness/pain. Everyone is a leader in his or her own way, but i guess i have not done my part for Volleyball.

Exams maybe near, but life must not come to a stop because of exams. Events still happen, if life's duller near exam time, liven them up, do something out of the ordinary !!! It might as well me the most memoriable time of your life.
To deal with the dullness of people in my class, i did something which was out of the ordinary of me !!! I finally ponned lessons on THURSDAY the 31th of August. Ponning school was quite normal to some, but for me, it was the first time ever ( I didn't even ponned a single lesson during the first 3 months in JC ). That feeling of doing something out of the ordinary was great and unbelieveable.
Thursday, was teachers day celebration for many schools across the island except CJC. Which was so extra that they hold their celebration 1 week earlier !!! Thursday was a long day at school ending at 4 pm in the afternoon. Being a Josephian, i decided to pon school at the second period which was break. A few others and me ( including some student councilors, presidents of some cca's ) ran out of school. The feeling of running away for a good cause, running away because of loyalty towards my alma mater SJI. And so i went with my heart.
Arriving at SJI, we went to buy food from our favourite Muslim Stall. We missed the food in SJI, anyway the food in CJC sucks, you practically just eat to survive. We went to the PAC after that to catch the performance. It was at least 100 times better than the performance in CJC !!! CJC performance on the whole sucks a lot as compared to SJI performance. Maybe CJC need to learn from SJI. We met up with many more ex-Josephians and we had a good time talking with our teachers.
It was real nice to just walk straight in to the staff room and talk to our teachers. We are glad our teachers still remember us, as we talked about the past, present and future. These people whom have coached us, taught us, lectured us, shaped us in to what we are now. These people who have spent their lives working tirelessly to nurture us into man of faith and service. For these people aren't people, are they are called teachers, and they are there for a reason, for its their passion which managed to shaped a disastrous class to a class full of leaders. I appreciate them for what they have done, and wishing them a Happy Teachers Day.
Time flies and soon we had to part with our teachers and our school. My classmates and i then went to orchard to have lunch and shop around for clothes, we end up going to bobby's house playing winning eleven. Bobby's house was so freaking near Great World City. This rich kid stays within walking distance of Great World City, anyway we went there to have our dinner and stuff.......
Done with thurs. Me being the usual and lazy me have the tendency of summarising the weeks activity into a post. Sorry for being too long winded.
Friday, went out with Wei Jiang to buy formal attire for the dinner on Saturday. We went round and round Orchard, especially at Robinson, OG and John Little, looking for formal attire. Spent like about 2 hours walking around before deciding on what to buy. The pants cost $45. Luckily i was of suitable height and thus no need to alter !!! Poor Wei Jiang had to spent $6 just to alter his pants. As for the shirt, i could not decide what to wear, until i finally saw one which was very appealing to me. Although it cost much more than my budget, still i went ahead and bought it. It was mine first formal suit so i guess it was worth while.
After buying all the stuffs, i went to the COMMEX with my parents. As a statement of fact, COMMEX is very unlike PC SHOW at suntec. COMMEX resembles Consumer Electonics Show of the states, where they hardly sell computer parts, but more of a show where they display their newest technology gadget. It was a wet blanket for me as i was planning to buy computer parts there, but found out that it wasnt what i was expecting, so practically i went home quite empty handed except for a keyboard. Lookes like i have no chioce but to make a trip down to Sim Lim Square to get what i want. Psk, check out the Zen Neeon 2, new arrival and lookes cool too.
Saturday, time to talk about the Centennial Dinner tonight. The dinner marks the 100th anniversary of SJI NCC land and 50th anniversary of SJI NCC air. Well, it was excellent indeed, the guest of honor is none other than an ex-Josephian Mr Teo Chee Hean, Minister of Defence. There was also sharing from Mr Tang Wing Kee who had served SJI and NCC for more than 40 years !!!
It was definately worth every cent of the $50 bux for the ticket. I shall not go into details but the food was good, the all guys atmosphere ( except for a few female teachers and a sec 3 who brought his gf there ). Well still a guys envrionment anyway, had fun with my ex-part mates whom we shared weal and woe for the past 4 years of our life. We really went crazy during the auction time. The twenty of us who are present donated more than 250 bucks to the SJI endownment fund during the auction. ( Its quite a huge sum as we aren't working ). Well the batch of 1984 donated 2000+ dollars in total. Mr Tang, donated 2 limited edition soccer balls for lucky draw. A kind soul, director of dunno what company, donated a pair of return tickets to bangkok on SIA plane for lucky draw.
This dinner showed the generation gap between the old Josephians, the ex Josephians and the current Josephians. No matter how big the gap is, the Josephian Spirit in us are still united as one. We have the War Cry of the 1984 batch, the J-O-S-E-P-H-S cheer from batch of 2005, and also a song named Joseph's call which was new this year by the current batches. To mark the ending of the dinner, everyone sang the school rally with dignity and pride ( with their heads held high ). No matter the difference young or old, rich or poor, we are still Josephians.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind. Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time. Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial. For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.