After like a whole 8 months of holiday, i finally could sit down and start studying ( how i wish that could happen ). As always, i could not bring myself to study and enjoy playing computer games whenever i reached home early. By the time after dinner, i was too tired to study and so i sleep.
Looking at everbody around doing their HARD CORE MUGGING really amaze me at their studying attitude. They are just practically chionging for an exam that is 3 weeks away. You see them after school mugging waiting for night study !!! Personally i feel night study is a waste of time, you lacked the freedom to do your own stuff.
Anyway i can't help to be glad that computer fair is just this weekend. I'm definately gonna grab some stuffs to fix my com. Being a computer half-geek ( not that pro yet to start building my own stuffs ) i could not stop myself from going to computer fairs to look at the newest computer parts. Need to start listing down what parts to buy. Who cares about exams, they are 3 weeks away, for now com's more impt.
So far away, Been far away for far too long
Today was quite disastrous all the way until 2pm. Thats when i gain some wisdom from Mr Chan and Mdm Hanisah. Well, guess who was the one who tried her best to spoil my day ???
It could only be Shelby ( aka shit-bee ), that irritant. She just keeps sticking around, following ( she actually sticks to people ) and talking to herself. I can't belief it that she got such thick skin and that i suppose ......... ( i think better not to say ). Anyway she was and is still very irritating and we tried to ask her keep her comments to herself, but she bit back saying that we were biased against her. I mean its ok to ask questions but other than that she just can't stop talking those unneccessary comments she made and all the wierd wierd things ( like laughing at what she said, try to Sa Jiao!!! Its like OMG lah !!! ) she do just irks people more. Our class have been tolerating her since the start of 2nd intake. Its goes without saying that she have not changed and that its true that leapord does not change its spot. (Suo wei: Jiang shan yi gai, ben xin nan yi )
Worst off, she even complained to the teacher during lessons that our class ( especially me ) were biased against her. Oh well, had a talk with Mr Chan and Mdm Hanisah after that lesson. Well i was indeed enlightened and the main thing i realise in life today, a new lesson learnt ; One can have all the tolerance in the world, but without wisdom, you will not succeed.
Done with class matters, now is the sad part, today was the last volleyball trainning before promos. Well, i'm afraid that when i come back after promos i will lost all my skills and all. Anyway today's trainning was very slack excluding the fact that we had to do 2.4km run with timing, other than that we had games all the way and to top it off, we had no PT !!! Suprising under the hot sun, my 2.4km timing have improved by20 seconds creating a personal best of 11.54. I know its quite slow to many people but i have just managed to break the 12min mark was so satisifactory. Before that my closest timing was 12.02.
Today's lesson on GP was about prejudice and racism. Talking about that, it reminds me of the song Where is the Love by Black Eye Peas. Its this song that was played in SJI as part of the module on racism and prejudice.
But if you only have love for your own race, Then you only leave space to discriminate, And to discriminate only generates hate, And when you hate then you're bound to get irate
I guess if you treat life as a game, it would be real fun.
I lvled up my physical today. With NAPHFA getting silver !!!
Good bye to Monday pe. Hello Wednesday pe.
Finally i proved myself capable of getting silver. Nxt target gold. Its just my pull up left. 2 more to Naphfa gold !!!
Btw its quite sad as volleyball trainning will be stopped due to Promos. I really like trainnings, but only those which i am on form !!! Haha. The recent 3 trainnings i am super off form. Hope this long break helps me to get back my skill. This wednesday is the last trainning before my cca stops. Hope i can on form for the fun of the last trainning !!!
Woah, i just realise how un-independent i was today. It was the first time i went out on my own to do some stuff, after my cousin could not accompany me to go bras bahsa. It just feel wierd walking alone when people around you are mostly in pairs or a group. Went to bras bahsa to get some stuffs and then proceed to national library to enjoy the nice cooling aircon in the hot afternoon. I used to be accompanied whenever i go out either my brother or my cousin or friends, so as to keep me occupied while doing our stuffs, but today i had to battle the coldness of the silence and the blazing heat of the sun while doing my stuff. It was a definately a new experince for me and another new milestone of my life.
Here's a very movie clip of what Joseph showed me. Vince Carter dunk over a person !!!! Heres the link
Life isn't that bad after all. But i guess i still suck somehow. Anyway it was just another day in school where i had to carry this laptop with me all the way to school. Had some fun with it, watched movie, doing Project Work and playing games. How i wish our whole school was wireless, then we could really played lan in class.
PW! Its really getting me on my nerves. My group members...sigh. They can't all concentrate together. They got this pattern where they each will take turn to concentrate on doing and editing written report. The second draft was due today but it wasn't even half done, so i have use my natural ability of lying to extend the deadline again from Mrs Mohan. I'm always made the scapegoat somehow but still i am leveling up my skill of lying. Haha.
Had a long afternoon with Jospeh and Pee Sheng. We went to eat and talk and all. It seems that they have nothing else to play except Maple Story and WWE cards. Haha. Congrats Pee Sheng for managing to lose 3Kg after all the morning runs and all. I also realise something, everybody have a inner feeling very different from what they show on the outside. Some are easy to find out, while others need more time to figure out whats inside them.
Lastly, congrats to my cousin for managing to find a job. Many people nowadays have B.S.C, M.B.A or a P.H.D but they do not have a J.O.B. So i guess a job is still better than no job. Haha. Poly people are so lucky, they get so many holidays that we jc people dying to wish for ( maybe not for you all but for me ). Congrats anyway.
Laugh it off let it go and, When you wake up it will seem, So yesterday, so yesterday, Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be okay
Today was extremely disastrous for me. Guess, today really sucks ...
The day was good in the morning until pe at 8am. I dunno why, i just could not do the things that i could do in the past. Cant even play floorball like i used to. Missed an easy goal. How could i have ever miss that. Guess what, after that when i went to bathe, i slipped and fell and injuired my leg and scratched my finger. Had a damn big bruise on my left thigh. Sian....
Trainning later was even worse. I start to piss everybody off especially Jason for not being able to play properly. I can't even dig a ball properly !!! My reaction was also very slow. Things which i could do with ease suddenly become my weakness like setting and spiking. Sian...
I'm sick of myself recently. Guess i really suck, I must agree. I lost all my agility, reflexes, control and i start to get cramps very often. Whats there left of me. I seriously don't think i deserve all the benefits i receive, all the leadership position i hold. Some say i pushed myself too hard, while others say i slacked. I really feel like shit now. Guess i'm just a stupid shit. Sooner or later i am going to give up being me. Its just too stressful. Right now, studies like shit, cca also like shit. What can i do well in, i'm useless...
I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream, How could this happen to me?
It was a clear sky yesterday morning. First up was to meet Joseph at King Albert Park at 7.15am. Thinking that we were quite early, we delayed till about 7.30 just to start eating our breakfast. By 7.50 we were at the bus stop waiting for bus 985 to bring us to school. Luckily the bus arrived the moment we are at the bus stop. Reached school at 8.02. Thinking that we were going to get caught, we decided to move pass the grandstand and through the J2 block just to make our way towards the quadrangle. We succeeded not to be caught !!!
Following that was the assembly where some J1's put up a small parade led by none other than Kendrick Ong ( nice one kong ). The assembly was long and everybody was getting restless, but without much ado, the principle start off the 7km walk/jog to macritchie. This is when i walked with linus and we talked about armies. Throughout the whole journey, we keep sharing our knowledge about the ancient and modern armies throughout the world. Unknowlying to us, as we talked on, we seemed to over take a lot of people and ended up the first few to cross the finishing line. Suprrisngly, some of the people from my class suddenly ran and caught up with us. Haha. While waiting for the others to arrive, Tim, Lynette, Minhui, Fanghui and me decided to sit down and started sing national day songs !!! LOL.
There goes my morning. After the walk, i met up with debbie and wai cheung and we went to SJI first before proceeding to choa chu kang where we met up with more pri school classmates. I was glad to see Jing Xiong ( my good buddy for 10 years ), Wenny ( whom i cannot remember as she changed a lot ) and lastly Benjamin ( who had changed from a gangster to a more down to earth and learned person ) It was about 1 when we decided to head towards our primary school. Upon reaching, we were denied entry as the teachers are still having meeting till 4pm. Thus we decided to play basketball and have our lunch.
At about 5, our beloved chinese teacher called and we hurriedly head towards our alma mater to meet up with our teacher. It was there we had a long talk with our chinese teacher Mdm Toh. It was amazing as she still could remember our names after 5 long years. Times flies and it was soon 6pm. It was till then, then i realise that Wai Cheung, me and debbie should be in SJI by 6pm. As debbie did not want to part with the other classmates, wai cheung and i made a move first and we rush down to sji in a cab.

As i enter SJI, everything lookes so familar yet lookes so strange to me. The surroundings are so familar and so homey. Its just feels as though i have not gone back for a long while. Yet the people are so "stranger" to me. It feels as though you aren't part on the people in the parade. The feeling change from a participant to an observer. I meet many friends who i have not seen for ages. We went high on everything which interest us. Especially with my NCC partmates whom we suffered and enjoyed 4 years of our lives. They got extremely high when i succeeded to do pull ups. Although i did not managed to do a lot, they are all glad for me that i managed to do !!! Also our NCC air unit received best unit award. Our hard work last year paid off and we are hoping that we could received it agian next year. Its this types of invisible strong bonds which keeps us bonded everywhere and anywhere we go.

I also met up with my classmates where we had another long talk with our teachers. Pixiang, Hariz and Wei Jiang went back to Annual Parade as Cadet Officers !!! Cool, 3 officers from our class and all in my former cca NCC Air. After the parade is when the atmosphere is pushed towards the max. Everybody is so high as if they are on alcohol !!! We did whatever crazy thing which went into our minds. Like "tao-pok ing", jumping around like nuts, falling in for the fun of it and many many more things which bring in memories we shared.

After that, we all decided to head towards Marina Centre to watch fireworks. Our group was about 20+ people strong. Thus finding a place to accomodate us was a problem, thus we decided to walked towards and open field where we could get a clear view of the whole fireworks display. I was able to catch all that fireworks display in my camera !!! Haha. The fireworks just finished just when my memory ran out. Thats how lucky i am yesterday. Its was till then we decided to walk around to find dinner. And its another long story as we walked for the next 45 mins or so just to find food. In the end we found nothing as everywhere was too croweded and we decided to part and make our ways home.
The journey home was by no means a good one. All the buses we so packed that i have to wait for like 3 buses before i managed to squeeze on one. The bus journey was unplesant was its was too crowed and some people are raising their voices as they could not exit the bus. I was supprised to see Foxy on the bus too but she was sleeping. The feeling of being trapped in Orchard for another hour unable to catch a bus nor flag a taxi is very sad. I must say luckily Tarun was also there as he too could is trapped at Orchard. By the time i reached home, its was far too late as compared to my self imposed curfew. I was about one hour off. Reaching home at about 11pm.
Melodies of life, to the sky beyond the flying birds - forever and beyond.