Monday, July 31, 2006 ( 8:31 PM )
Seems like i am very lazy these few weeks. Even if the timetable is staring at me, i am still in that holiday mood since the start of the year. Had not sit down and start to study yet even though promos are like 5 weeks away ( still so far )
Thursday was interview with Bro Paul regarding PW. After talking to him, he seemes quite friendly instead of the very intimidating look he usually portray. Our group was so nervous especially VINCE !!! The first question from Bro Paul was where are you all from ? Guess V's reply, CJC !!! OMG lah, off course cjc !!! Afther that 50mins of interview, i had to be the poor soul who had to do the transcript. Thanks to Vince who talked like a mouse, i totally could not hear any questions which he asked and also to Bro Paul, who kindly shared everything with us, just that he talked too fast. Haha. The interview was on the whole a success.
Last friday was our first trainning with our new coach. He was super late !!! Suppose to come down at 2 but end up comming at 2.30. Anyway i still cannot remember his name. His trainning was total madness, its so much different from how the old coach teach us. His 8 mth plan for us include intensive trainning of up to 5 days a week !!! 3days for gym and 2 days for court. At the first trainning all of us were almost dead at the end of the session. He focused a lot on abs, thighs and mental discipline.
The outing later was filled with joy. We went to Far East Plazza to eat the fried won ton mee. Hong chin added some friend chicken skin into Grethchen's kway tiao and mix it. Thnks to someone, my camera died and could not take any photos of that outing.
Friday was a day where a camera whore drained my camera out of it battery and memory !!! It started with an underwear outside our class, left by a nice guy from T14. We where so hyper over it that, we start taking photos of it. Afther that, that guy named ISAAC start to snap pictures of himself !!! Anyway he lookes quite retared in some of his pic but the others are quite ok. ( He wore his pants up high and tried to hang himself using the projector screen!!! )

Saturday was PTM. So glad i did not get reprimaned for my bad results. OH well, its the second PTM in my life that i never got reprimanded. Other than my Chemistry results, the rest are far from satifsfactory. Sad to say, its not that i try to suan ppl but my results really sucked with GP scoring an ownage of 32 marks. Beat that! Oh well, i think i am a hermit who has lost contact with the outside world. I flared in my current affairs test.
Today its the first time i could not perservere any longer. I've tried to contain my fustration for so long, yet had to let all my anger which had piled up to release today. I have been tolerating since the start of the term, but could not hold on any longer. I tried taoing you so that you would keep quite, but instead you keep talking to yourself. ARGHHHHH i am sitting beside a madwomen !!!! I need the telephone number for the aslym. I am saden that i had to do this to you today in class by shouting at you to SHUT UP directly. Its definately not what i am hoped for. Hope you really can SHUT UP for a period of time. Furthermore don't blame Tim about what wrote on his blog. That is the past. Its just that you talk to much unneccessarily and try to be funny. It just get people on their nerves. That girl is SHELBY. O god save me.
Looking forward to a better week in school especially Volleyball !!!
Nothing lasts forever, I'm sorry, I can't be perfect
{/What a week
Thursday, July 27, 2006 ( 7:05 PM )
Guess what, i just found out today that i have and had fever. Have been feeling very wierd recently and tired very easily. After i start to doze off in tutorials and lectures, i finally found out that i had fever, and had it for about a week without knowing it. I had this buring question, why is why my skin is hot to the touch, at first i though that i had over-tanned as the weather is very bad now a days, but realised that its due to fever !!! What a week of sickness. No wonder i am feeling so legthargic and sian.
Trainning was very fun on wednesday. We had a game's day!!! The whole trainning was just playing games after games after game. There was elections too. Sadly to say, HTC's could not be captain, thus we could not vote for Hong Chin and Jason. The following people are voted into the council by the majority;
Girls captain : Joyce ( already fixed )
Girls vice cap : Fei Zhen ( expected by the girls )
Guys captain : Kevin ( expected )
Guys vice cap : Me !! ( shocked and unexpected by me )
Congrats guys !!! The team is looking forward to wards your leadership in bringing volleyball in cjc into a new level of competitive gaming.
And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along just to make it through, move along
Sunday, July 23, 2006 ( 10:28 PM )
Due to my lack of time, and my lazyness, i shall let the picture do the talking about friday.
One thing to say, Volleyball trainning was GREAT !!!
The outing thereafter was even better. We even proved that the Law of Decreasing Marginal Utility is false. ( Psk * Someone PSed us for someone else, and guess what, we met them at Plaza Singapura Carls Jr !!! )
{/Racial Harmony Day
Thursday, July 20, 2006 ( 5:39 PM )
"Today its the day, today is racial harmony day" This phrase may seemed to be a strager to most of the ppl. But to some sji guys esp my class, it was a phrase which contained much laugher. It was regarding the announcement my a sec 3 on racial harmony day last year. We had to pay $2 as donation just to wear traditional costume in SJI !!!
Anyway, this year's racial harmony day celebration was brougt forward. Still it was fun to see people wearing different traditional costume. From chinese to indian, from korean to japanese. There is even a performance by some people in ninja suits. The funny part is that they half way all stumble and fall. In the end "tau pok" one person. OMG.
The most funny thing of today is when they showed the indian traditional martial arts. The old man in his 60's was demostrating some move. After that he panted while he speaked. The unusual high pitch voice of "stick-fight" made all of us laughing. Also he said that the martial arts is for all ages ( but look at him, all he did was a few breakfalls and pant ) Haha.
A whole new word, a new fantastic point of view, No one to tell us no, Or where to go, Or say we're only dreaming
{/The Persistenly Non-provocative Picture
Sunday, July 16, 2006 ( 9:19 PM )

Oh man, look at that pic. Mr Tan and William Hung really look alike !!! haha. Thnks to Kelvin. Suprisingly, Mr Tan is only 30+ and requires to go for reservice. He really looked like 40+ with his attitude and his appearance. Lookes can be deceiving. Haha. Enjoy the pic and share it !!!
Quick recap of school, Mid-Year-Exams are FINISHED !!! GONE !!! I am still wondering what on earth happened to my results. Whats the point of passing everything and fail GP with an ownage score of 32 !!! Stunned when i received my math result stating 54 marks. Thats is an all time low !!! Mr Lim had this great sentence which managed to 'un-stun' me. A winner's attitude is to stand up after a fall, while a loser's attitude is to sit down and cry after a fall.
Volleyball trainning is backed. YEAH !!! Feeling so wierd with a june holiday without trainnings. After the first trainning, everybody seems to be less fit than before. To our suprise, there was no coach for the time being !!! So joyce, known for being abit saddistic ( as she dishes out pushups every now and then and they come in like 30s or 50s !!! ) had the job of trainning us . Her saddism managed to get us more united somehow or rather. Our teamspirit is increasing and there is more teamwork and effort. We finally managed to get a very nice game going on, on friday. Way to go guys.
This could be the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you
{/The good old times
Monday, July 03, 2006 ( 10:10 AM )
I was rather suprised that my parents did not say a thing and agreed to let me stay over at my friend's house. I was then told me to meet my other friends in the morning for movie before going to his house. But i pang seh them and decided to join someone else ( What was i thinking ?? Guess it wasn't a wise choice, I ps all my friends for you ......... sian ..... ) Luckily on my way to Jason's house, i met Chua who was also in town. So we made our long way to Jason's house.

At his house was a time where old friends meet. Hugging, hand shaking. Anyway, all of us were very glad that we could meet our good old friends. Even friends from overseas made their way back from australia and europe. As his house was so big with a theatre inbuilt with it, we decided to jam in his theatre. Jia Qi and Sameul are very good with drums. Sadly, Ahmad did not come, he is a excellent guitarist. After that, we play a lot of games like bridge and all.

Before anyone knows it, it was time for dinner and we had spagitti with chicken wings for main course and fruits with melted chocolate for dessert. We sat there and talk about our schools while waiting for people like Pixiang and Tushar to arrive. I guess the food was very delicious as almost everyone was having their second or third helping !!! After that all of us gathered at the living room and talk about the good old times, laughing over anything ( including teachers and students) . I guess our class its the most bonded class, our class spirit have not dissappear. Its really sad to see some classmates go to poly or other jcs. The gathering was very enjoyable. Unexpressable in words.
Time past so fast when we where laughing away. As the time to the first soccer match England vs Portugal draws near, all of us quickly rush towards the theatre and made ourself comfortable. My prediction england win on penalty but in the end it was Portugal who won. It was a match which all of us are very angry at the referee. He was clearly biased towards the portugal side. No penalty was given when there is a handball by the portugal defender in the penalty area. All of us were pissed with C.Ronaldo the ****face. Practically the whole Portugal side win on cheating, scuba divers. England deserved to win. But i must say, the portugal goalkeeper is godlike.
Next was the second match Brazil vs France. Its was fun to see all of us, one by one go down. In the end, only about 6 or 7 people were left awake watching the match. To everybody's suprise brazil lost. By next morning, everybody was talking about the brazil match over our breakfast. Prata !!! Pixiang have the courtesy to go buy prata for us early in the morning at about 5am as he had to go meet his dad at about 3am.

Soon it was time to bid farewell to jason's house and we decided to go eat macs. To end the gathering, we all cramped in Jason's room and watched the movie Jia Qi and me made as a tribute to our class ( no longer in existence ) and our friendship that we share deeply for the past 2 years.

Suprisingly, after lunch, we went to justin's house and continue playing computer, guitar, pool, and table tennis. Haha. Ownage. We played and played and played till it was time to go home. Bidding farewell was what we hate about outings. Its like an anticlimax. Still it must happen.
Memories for life ........................................